Governor Jerry Brown kills bicyclists by vetoing 3-foot rule for California

PDF link to veto

Citing that "Crossing a double yellow line is an enherently dangrous act that increases the risk of head-on collisions" he chooses the safety of other cars in steel cages with padded airbags over those of us riding at the side of road being buzzed by homicidal a-holes with ZERO REGARD to our safety.

How is this retarded clown better than that jerk actor they had before?

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Actually, James, I think his point was that the bill made it legal to cross the double yellow line in order to allow the three feet.  Shouldn't cars just slow down until it is safe to pass the cyclist with three feet leeway?

In many areas (most 2-lanes) it is impossible to pass with a safe distance due to lane size without putting the wheels on, or slightly over the double-yellow.

So either the cars are going to be waiting a LONG time before the rider has to pull over, or the road goes to 4-lanes. 

I dont' see the issue with a car putting 2 wheels over the double-yellow for a split second.  They are not doing a full-on pass of another fast-moving car, the double-yellow markings are VERY conservative and designed for something else besides passing SMV's. 

No one ever crosses the double yellow to pass anything (rolls eyes)

Ever ridden down Division,Halsted,Belmont...? Delivery trucks blocking not only the bike lane but half of the car lane passing requires crossing the double yellow or waiting until they move.

I'm sure it happens in Cali. as well.

Maybe the cities with a strong bike presence can enact local laws? 

People in Chicago will cross the double yellow and drive in the incoming lane passing dozens of stopped cars for a block or two to get to a major left-hand turning lane so they won't miss the arrow -oncoming traffic be damned...

I think that the double-yellow thing may be much more applied as a ticket in Cali than here.   In Chicago the cops won't pull a car over for a moving violation unless they are literally driving on the sidewalk -and then only if the cops are bored or not busy busting a bicyclist for doing an Idaho Stop while working with the Redshirts. 

Yes, of course everyone drives over the double yellow line everywhere.  My point, not well articulated, was that he does not want to make it legal to cross the double yellow line.  What happens in real life and what is legal are not necessarily the same thing.  And in California, the home of road rage and more cars per capita (I am not really sure about that, but it seems like it!) than any where else in the country, making it legal just gives them an excuse to be even crazier drivers than they already are.

I'm speaking of L.A. a car cultured area and being a huge state they have structured themselves to be anti bike by default. Thay put bike lanes and trails in the Detroit area but are you really going to ride 15 miles to get somewhere even if it is "bike friendly"? 

Lisa Curcio said:

Yes, of course everyone drives over the double yellow line everywhere.  My point, not well articulated, was that he does not want to make it legal to cross the double yellow line.  What happens in real life and what is legal are not necessarily the same thing.  And in California, the home of road rage and more cars per capita (I am not really sure about that, but it seems like it!) than any where else in the country, making it legal just gives them an excuse to be even crazier drivers than they already are.

"How is this retarded clown better than that jerk actor they had before?" - James BlackHeron

This was where I stopped reading, because, how can someone that thinks its wrong for a Governor to make a choice he doesn't agree with because it effects a group of people he is concerned for, so casually demean and insult people with disabilities that are no fault of their own.  I guess it makes James feel superior to people that have not been blessed with the physical and mental abilities he was given.  Too bad he doesn't know how to use them. 

Is there a way of blocking me from seeing James BlackHeron?


  1. to make slow; delay the development orprogress of (an action, process, etc.); hinderor impede.
  2. to be delayed.

Words, they mean things -you muttonhead!

Ed said:

"How is this retarded clown better than that jerk actor they had before?" - James BlackHeron

This was where I stopped reading, because, how can someone that thinks its wrong for a Governor to make a choice he doesn't agree with because it effects a group of people he is concerned for, so casually demean and insult people with disabilities that are no fault of their own.  I guess it makes James feel superior to people that have not been blessed with the physical and mental abilities he was given.  Too bad he doesn't know how to use them. 

Is there a way of blocking me from seeing James BlackHeron?

Not sure what else you could have done but to stop reading at that point. After all, it was the last sentence James wrote in his post...

Ed said:

"How is this retarded clown better than that jerk actor they had before?" - James BlackHeron

This was where I stopped reading[...]


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