Heys GUYS & DOLLS; We're counting down 2 the up & coming NORTH~SIDE CRITICAL MASS.(21days) !!! HIP~HIP~ HOORAH! ! ! sO NOW IS THE TIME TO LOCK THAT DATE IN YOUR BOOK. AS for me I DBLE BOOK MYSELF & STILL MAKE MY APPT: ! ! ! Now that I have that off my chest. I sense that there's a misconception about THE CRITICAL MASS . It's not about protest. It's about our rights & freedom of speech. If you want to live & breathe heathly then you need to BIKE! ! ! When you drive you see 1 biker it does not make much impact on you,; But if you see a MASS that does. That's when people start to talk about getting a bike & ride. Why! Because 1 isn't as powerful as 30 people... This is how we can make our voices count in WASH. D.C.
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