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Those are some impressive results! I have seen a glow in the dark powdercoat, but it was not nearly as bright.

A few of my bikes have a fully reflective powdercoat (below) which I am still testing their effectiveness on the road.


Makes runnin' from the po-po much more difficult...

I'm liking that reflective powdercoat a lot.

get back to work :))

oh wait, this is your work!

wigwam said:

I'm liking that reflective powdercoat a lot.

me want

Legacy Frameworks said:

Those are some impressive results! I have seen a glow in the dark powdercoat, but it was not nearly as bright.

A few of my bikes have a fully reflective powdercoat (below) which I am still testing their effectiveness on the road.

interesting, I wonder how long the paint stays glow in the dark for.

that powdercoat is pretty cool, what does it look like in the day light?

this is what it looks like in the day

where did you find this pic?

Michael A said:

this is what it looks like in the day

The BB is too low on that invisible bike.  Pedal-strike can be dangerous and if you crashed and fell off of that bike you would never be able to find it again in traffic before it got run over -unless it was dark, of course, because it would be glowing.

It would be a hard bike to steal though.  Just hang it on a fence high enough that nobody would bump into it and nobody would even know it was there -until dark of course, when it began to glow...

Reflective or glow in the dark is good. Anything to increase your visibility.

I was thinking of wearing jogging gear while riding as it's reflective/neon.

google/invisible bike


Julie Hochstadter said:

where did you find this pic?

Michael A said:

this is what it looks like in the day


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