Paris to return Seine to the people with car-free riverside plan

Here's one world class city starting to get it right with it's waterfront:

Paris to return Seine to the people with car-free riverside plan

I guess Chicagoans who are not married to their cars can just dream on....

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Sacré Bleu!

When was the last time you were in Chicago? There are 18 miles of bicycle path and parks along the lakefront these days.

Don't forget paths along the rivers too...

I'm here now! Yes, and the bike trail is narrow with user conflicts all over the place and is cut off from the rest of the city by LSD. It's better than nothing, but if we had a really visionary plan, LSD could and should be replaced by a transit rail line, more green park space and a wide bike boulevard. Space too for the horse carriages. It would be interesting to find out how far from the Lakeshore LSD motorists drive just to get on it. I bet a lot of them should be on the Kennedy Expy if they really don't want to use public transportation.

And the other thing that really irks is the noise pollution. I used to kayak out of Lincoln Park Boat Club (Fullerton and LSD), and the difference in sounds coming from LSD on Bike the Drive day was truly incredible. Society doesn't realize the noise nuisance it puts up with until that noise goes away. And don't get me started about those noisy selfish motorcyclists.... 

spencewine said:

When was the last time you were in Chicago? There are 18 miles of bicycle path and parks along the lakefront these days.

If I had to guess, the only reason we have a lakefront today is because of LSD. Without the government buying up and clearing the land, most of that 18 miles would have been privately owned.

The Burnham Plan--which was the beginning of what we have now--in a wikipedia nutshell:

oh yeah...that's a pretty good plan if I recall.

Lisa Curcio said:

The Burnham Plan--which was the beginning of what we have now--in a wikipedia nutshell:


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