OK, I know most folks would never part with theirs, but I'm just putting it out there - If you have an Xtracycle you would like to sell, I'm looking to get one used, seeing as I really can't afford new right now.


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I set up a search on craigslist to notify me whenever someone posts anything about xtracycle for sale, and after probably a year and a half someone finally posted one they were selling with the flight deck and wideloaders and so on for quite cheap, which I was able to leap on immediately.

The cool thing is that it had never been mounted, I get the impression that either the guy bought it because he was going to Totally Do This Thing and never got around to it so his wife talked him into selling it, or she did that thing and he talked her into it or something. Anyway the moral of the story is just keep leaning on craigslist and you may find something.

Thanks PG! How did you set that up? Is that a feature in CL? or did you use a 'bot' to do it for you?

There was someone here on The chainlink that was selling one not to long ago. I think it was already mounted on a cruiser. I'm too busy to search, but it wasn't that long ago.

Yes, that was Zack. Ha! I forgot he had one. Quite sure it's sold, seeing as he just moved to Pittsburgh.

Payton was selling one a couple years ago. I almost bought it when he mentioned he was selling it, and I keep kicking myself for not doing it.


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