On Webster St., just W of Clark, there's a sign that identifies the street as a "historic bicycle boulevard" or some such. Does anyone know why? Google was no help.

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I've noticed that before.  Will ask my Lincoln Park guru (also a chainlinker but doubt he gets on here often).

I know they just had some fest where you went around walking looking at people's gardens. I went to that and felt very English and proper. (except for the blocks where there were lots of Depaul students renting, which was very loud with several keggers in the backyards)

they also had some architecture tour of a few buildings, I guess some of the buildings around there are significant architecturally. One was a pre chicago fire building that is still around.

so, i think there are parts considered historic, but not sure if the bike part is historic.


Thanks, Adam. That's the sign. Now, what's the story?

I have no idea. :-P I just thought posting the sign here would be helpful. I am also curious on what it means.

Dan Dorfman said:

Thanks, Adam. That's the sign. Now, what's the story?

I also noticed one of these on Kedzie in Logan Square.

Adam, I do appreciate your posting the sign, which is what piqued my curiosity in the first place. The question was directed to the chainlink community as a whole. So folks, keep those cards & letters coming.

A "Historic Blvd Bike Route" is very different (probably) from a "historic bicycle boulevard". The former is just a bike route on a historic boulevard. 

What he ^ said.  I think.  

I'm pretty sure Chris B. settled it, Dan.  Not sure there were any famous gun fights on the street or anything, if that's what you were thinking. 

It's a lovely street that goes through WP/Bucktown/LP/wherever.  It's also got lots of old Victorian houses and the new boutiques etc. sorta give it that old timey feel.   


That sign means you can only ride a penny-farthing on Webster.

I asked one of my LP historic gurus, he didn't know.  I'll keep asking.

This guy would have no problem then.

spencewine said:

That sign means you can only ride a penny-farthing on Webster.


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