Anyone have any advice on freeing a ceased aluminum seat post from a steel frame?

I've tried everything short of taking off the cranks and bb and pb blasting the seat tube from the inside.

Really dont want to hacksaw it out, but my seat is about 1-2cm too low and its not the most comfortable ride right now.



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Have you tried ammonia or Coke since it can dissolve the oxidation that can occur between steel and aluminum?

Haven't gone that route yet. I'll give it a go tonight.

Josh.E said:

Have you tried ammonia or Coke since it can dissolve the oxidation that can occur between steel and aluminum?

Or you could read here or here.

Plenty of reading. Should have searched a bit harder before posting. Thanks.

Kevin C said:

Or you could read here or here.

Freeze-off did the trick. About half a can's worth and an hour soak. Cheap fix, 4.99 at AutoZone. Thanks again for the advice.

Yay! Congratulations.


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