Has anyone else had trouble with this tape basically shredding after only a couple months and a couple hundred miles of use? 

They were kind enough to replace the tape for me within a couple business days after I contacted them about it, but unfortunately they sent me the exact same tape, which will presumably look just like this a couple months after I re-wrap the bars. Unless, of course, the individual tape pictured above was somehow flawed. I'm wondering if anyone has shellacked this tape or found any other means of reinforcing it so this doesn't happen. Suggestions?

This is the tape:

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I use this brand pretty much on all my bikes, I have never had this happen unless I crashed.... I also use just white or black though

I have their black tape on another bike and have not had any issues with it. It's made of a different material, though--a kind of suede finish that is matte and not glossy. This is not the result of a crash or fall, just basic riding with fingerless gloves, mostly gripping on the ramps or behind the hoods.

Michael A said:

I use this brand pretty much on all my bikes, I have never had this happen unless I crashed.... I also use just white or black though

I have had a similar experience with that brand, exact same locations too.

I have since switched to another brand.

I had it happen once. Shredded in no time. They said there was a bad run. No problems since. This was a few years back.


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