Yes folks, the Tour de Fat will once again be meandering and pandering through 15 U.S. cities spreading the good word about the positive societal offerings of the bicycle. Along with our exceptional ability to roust a city’s inner-cyclist, in 2012 we hope to drive our message even deeper by bringing you the biggest, most enjoyable traveling bike festival that we know of. Best of all, proceeds from all of the fun and festivities in Chicago go to support the work of West Town Bikes!

Join us Saturday July 21st in Palmer Square (Kedzie and Palmer) for a full day of scheduled events with performances by Los Amigos Invisibles, The Cleverly's, Mucca Pazza, The Moth-True Stories Told Live, Yo-Yo People, Sssnakenstein. Plus games and side show attractions for the whole family to enjoy! It all kicks off with a bicycle parade starting at 10am. The schedule includes

9:00 AM - Parade Registration
10:00 AM - Parade Begins
11:00 AM - Main Stage
12:00 PM - Side Show
1:30 PM - Slow Ride
2:30 PM - Bike Trade
3:30 PM - De Finale!

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Will be there again this year with bells on -or a princess hat...or something...

Yea! So excited!

I'm sad (but happy) I will be on vacation in Portland, Oregon, during this year's Tour de Fat. 

Check out the mini Cargo Bike Roll Call in the 10 AM parade

Work actuallly gave me the day off! I have been wanting to go to this for years. Whats the parade all about?

Can't wait.  I'll be there.

It's a family friendly 3-4 mile route that meanders around Logan Square.  Led by long time Logan Square resident and West Town Bikes founder\director Alex Wilson.

Joe Willis said: [snip] Whats the parade all about? [snip]


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