Once again, the winner will receive their choice of a bell or a t-shirt from New Belgium!

We can tell you who the photographer is after someone gets it

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I believe this is right outside Blue City Cycles in Bridgeport. 

ding ding ding. Picture courtesy of Owen Reed, co-owner.  Steve, let's connect offline about collecting your prize. Congrats!

Steven Vance said:

I believe this is right outside Blue City Cycles in Bridgeport. 

Owen Reed?

Julie Hochstadter said:

ding ding ding. Picture courtesy of Owen Reed, co-owner.  Steve, let's connect offline about collecting your prize. Congrats!

Steven Vance said:

I believe this is right outside Blue City Cycles in Bridgeport. 

Opps.  Owen Lloyd. Who is a Reed?  Maybe I got confused with Jim Redd in Ecuador? Who knows, but thanks for the heads up on my goof. 

notoriousDUG said:

Owen Reed?

Julie Hochstadter said:

ding ding ding. Picture courtesy of Owen Reed, co-owner.  Steve, let's connect offline about collecting your prize. Congrats!

Steven Vance said:

I believe this is right outside Blue City Cycles in Bridgeport. 


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