Anyone going to the Monday night training ride held by CCC tonight?  

Anyone been and want to offer me words of wisdom to break of me of this intimidation factor I have?

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I've been.  Great group and very friendly.  They do a very nice job of communicating with each other along the paceline.  Monday night is a good opportunity to try it for the first time.

Dana, I will be the ride leader tonight, I usually perform the "sweeper" role. Helmets are required and we ask that you have a road bike in good working order. Pace averages around 18-22 mph with a total moving speed avg right around 18. It is a no drop ride meaning that we will not leave anyone out on the roads alone. Hope to see you out there

good bunch of guys and gals,,,,,they definetly try to keep a good pace and still teach new "roadie" riders about group ettiquette.

we will be doing this route, there are a couple places where sprints are optional, and we ALWAYS regroup right after them, so do not be intimidated by the higher speeds

I've been riding for longer than I should without having done a group ride.  I think tonight is the night to finally get over it!

Thanks for the info, Michael!

Please do join us tonight. I'm one of about four women who usually do the ride and I'm always trying to recruit more. The temp has finally dropped and its a perfect night for a ride. I hope to see you out there!

Thanks for coming out everyone  here are the ride's metrics

Great ride tonight! Thanks to all the new folks who came out, hope you join us again. Michael, thanks for leading and thanks for sending the stats. My garmin quit somewhere in the middle tonight after losing its GPS signal.

As a commuter riding with this group has become the pinnacle of my riding for the week.

Terrific instructions are conveyed by groups leaders and experienced participants.  It's like a pickup game of bike driving in a paceline, and everyone who shows up plays.  Riding Mondays has expanded my situational awareness.  Just riding with strong experienced cyclist is like practicing up in any sport.  Getting repetitions in with more capable people will improve your game.     


Work made me miss tonight but I saw three familiar faces at Lincoln, Lawrence and Western on the P.M. commute.  Yep Rich & Mike attract the nicest group of bi-peds, pedaling bicycles, found anywhere on the planet!    ; )

Michael, thanks for sharing the metrics. Not to scare off newcomers: the metrics are Michael's. He did 29 miles per hour on a sprint but I don't think I did and you don't have to. The group always regroups after sprints. The ride is no drop but riders do need to be able to sustain 18-20 miles per hour for a couple hours. Also, for the safety of everyone, I'd recommend reading up on the logistics and etiquette of pace line riding before coming out. I was trying to find some good articles. I found this:

Anyone have other article recommendations?

Excellent ride last night.  As a seasoned cyclist new to group riding, this was a great way to get my feet wet.  I thought the group acted as best they could and communicated as best they could with such a large group of people last night.  The sprints are an excellent way of pushing yourself and while optional, would certainly be encouraged (in my opinion).  Overall, an excellent night of riding with some very friendly people!  Thanks for being so neat, CCC!

We will be doing a repeat of last week's ride. If the group is as large as it was last week we will once again forgo the rotating paceline and just do a nice steady 2 across pace line at speed.

The metrics for last week did not include any sprints we sustained those speeds on nice open stretches. In a group the size we had last week almost everyone was able to maintain that speed. We regrouped after each one and we all went home safely, together


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