Does anyone know of a bar/restaurant showing the tour? I don't have cable so I'm looking for a place I might catch some of the race.
I couldn't find a simple, succinct one word answer to your question. I checked the obvious, like MetroMix and TimeOut and came up emptyhanded. But if you can wait until tomorrow, I'll bet someone at the Alliance Française would know the best venues.
Some posts from earlier years, which may point you in the right direction (or demonstrate the futility of your quest):
Places that popped up: Map Room, Jury's, Sheffield's, Brasserie Jo or Cal's in the south Loop. There's a sports bar in Rogers Park, Hop Haus, that has individual TVs in each booth--you could camp out there and have your own screen. I suppose any bar with a TV and a well-tipped bartender could get you what you want.
If you give up on finding a bar to watch the Tour in:
Online streaming pay-per-view on pc, iPad, iPhone or Android
Brent Cohrs has this non-bar viewing advice: "You can check out the Tour live most mornings beginning at 7am on Versus. It is replayed throughout the day with an evening edition broadcast on NBC Sports. Live blogging of the race is available from Versus' website, Velonews, and Cycling News. There is even an app available for the iPhone and iPad."
It would be really fun to have a meet up one morning before work. It's too early this morning for me to think of a place, but if someone has a place and a time let's do it. I would offer to host at my house but my tv in the living room isn't working right now.
go to you can stream it from there, watched it this morning! no commercials! stream it from europe!
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