use a couch pillow!!!

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Such shiny new bikes.  i wonder how they keep them so shiny and new-looking?

Or worse near Oak Street Beach -it could turn into a flash-mob.  Pillows are the perfect thing when confronting a flash-mob!

The thought of the inevitable thigh-chafing is what brings tears to my own eyes.  But you know that they probably didn't ride more than a mile or two like that so it can't be that bad.  

Jennifer said:

Just looking at them makes my knees hurt.

No helmets for their heads...but soft pillows for their butts...Priorities?? LOL


Stay at home Dad of 3, Cancer Warrior, Teacher, Musician, and Optimist!

They are simply riding to the annual pillow fight.   Come on guys :))

I suppose the slowly fading butt imprint on a tempur-pedic seat would be slightly less revealing than spandex?

I'm guessing that these two have no panniers or baskets on their bikes. I would suppose that what they have done is figure out a clever means of carrying their cushions to a spot on the lakefront perhaps where they will be used to soften a hard surface.

Given the numerous times I have seen folks pedaling their bikes home with grocery bags in each hand it would appear to me that once again the inventive minds of regular folks have found a way to carry something that would otherwise be impossible otherwise to tote safely.

At least neither is wearing flip-flops.


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