My husband, Rob, has fractured his ankle. Just in time for the summer riding season and fun things to do.  So, given the creativity and ingenuity of many of those on Chainlink, I am curious if anyone knows how I can fashion some kind of rig to basically take him along safely on some bike rides to the lake, park or some CL events during the 4-6 weeks he will be off his feet, without resorting to driving the car.  Maybe on a flatbed trailer of some sort, or fashion some kind of hitch to a wheelchair onto the back of the bike. I have seen people hauling furniture and stuff, so I am curious as to what ideas may be out there? He won't fit in the kiddie trailer, so that option is out.  Or, if anyone has anything I could borrow or rent (cheaply) for the time he is healing up, that would be great, too.   I thought of a pedicab, but that would get expensive when all I want to do is take him on picnics and stuff around the city. 

I know it may be a odd request, but I thought I'd give it a shot. :) 


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Make sure any tandem that this is tried with allows for the cranks to freewheel with respect to each other.  Some driveline designs on tandems do not allow this and require both sets of cranks to move together. 

Perhaps some sort of raised foot rest over the pedals would keep the feet up and away from them as they turn below if the cranks are fixed together.   Sounds dangerous though.

How about this? Growing up we did it all the time. One leg on each side is more stable, but both legs on one side (the left) is easier to get on and off.

DaVinci makes tandems that allow for independent coasting. And, yes, they are out your price range...

Julie Hochstadter said:

I wonder if this would work. 

in it to win it said:

Can you rent a tandem and have him not pedal?  Or will too much Vicodin be involved?



Wow, I am learning a lot about trailers and how to haul- this is great.  We do have a tandem but not one of the modern ones (we used it for our wedding- old Schwinn Twinn 5 speed) but the problem is that he could potentially bump/jar his foot straddling a bike, which is why I was looking for trailer options.

I doubt I could find a handcycle for him with a very tiny budget (and for 6 weeks of use, not really worth it). If I had a spare grand, this would have been perfect:

Well, I guess I am back to schlepping him around in the car until he heals up.  I may still try to get him out on via bike e and maybe I can figure something out. Thank you everyone for your input, ideas and suggestions (even the ridiculous ones). It's been a fun post :) 

Bike and Roll Chicago has hand cycles for rent at the Millennium Park bike station if your husband wanted to give that a try.

Thanks Mark! I had no idea you could rent a handcycle being that they are a bit out of the mainstream. That is really awesome, I'll check it out. Might not be an everyday thing, but to get him out of the house and doing something fun would be great. He's starting to show signs of cabin fever already.  $35 for 10:00am to 4:30 p.m. isn't going to break my budget. 

On a side note -just because this combines tandems AND trailers and is oh, so cool:

Hubby could ride quite comfortably on top of that mattress :-P

James BlackHeron said:

On a side note -just because this combines tandems AND trailers and is oh, so cool:

Now all I need to do is find two strong guys to pedal the tandem that pulls the mattress and we'd be all set ;-p

April said:

Hubby could ride quite comfortably on top of that mattress :-P

James BlackHeron said:

On a side note -just because this combines tandems AND trailers and is oh, so cool:

Pshaw...we don't need men...*we want them*   You and I could do it :-)

That is true, two women could pull the trailer- but I was thinking along the lines of me being on the mattress with my husband while having other people pull the trailer for us. Anybody with a rickshaw mattress bed bike out there? There may be a market for it! 

Thanks for the smile, April :-)

April said:

Pshaw...we don't need men...*we want them*   You and I could do it :-)

How about this? Hubby can sit in the cabin upfront while you ride the bike.


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