I'm being 'actively encouraged' to figure out a solution to storing my bike(s) outside. Obvious concerns are security and weather protection. We have a pretty sizable balcony, so some kind of shed/storage structure is an option. The best one I've found online seems to be only available in the UK (http://www.asgardsss.co.uk/detail.php?pro_code=Acc1) and is pretty pricy. I was wondering if anyone had any other suggestions or ideas?

(converting the spare room to a bike store/maintenance shop has already been kyboshed...)

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Dump him/her.

depending on space, you could just get a generic use shed like this.


With a shed I woudl still recommend you lock your bikes to something anchored/large metal, since many bikes are stolen while unlocked in a garage/shed

You could use a waterproof motorcycle/scooter cover. I think that an XL motorcycle cover could cover three bikes. They even make covers with built-in alarms.

Thanks for link - However, I requested a price list and prices start at over $1,300 for the most basic (1 bike) model...

Cameron Puetz said:

Depending on how many bikes you need to store, lockers like these may be an option.



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