Last year my very nice girlfriend drove me out to the start town of RAGBRAI. Unfortunately that is not an option this year.I was hoping that some of the RAGBRAI veterans could offer up some options for a single person their gear and a bike to make it to the start town. Alternately if someone know they are going and has space for one more that would be awesome.  

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If you're doing the whole ride then you need to get to the ending town and take a shuttle from there to the start. That's what we did in 2008 and it worked out great. Rode back directly to the car from the ride which felt great and satisfying. 

In 2011, we started at the halfway point so shuttles were less of an option. We found a guy on the RAGBRAI message board who was renting a car and driving down from Madison to start on the same day as us. He was looking for people to help subsidize his car rental. He picked us up in the ending town and drove us to the halfway point and we pitched in for his rental and bought him beer.

Post your needs on the RAGBRAI board and I'm sure you'll find someone. Good luck!

That could be an option but I was hoping to avoid using a car because I am getting a ride home from the end town Clinton back to Chicago.I am looking for maybe a bus or train that could get me there or an individual or group with space for one more.

I'd post on the message boards about ride share.  We still haven't made our plans yet, but we may be renting a car one way and then shuttling with the rest of our team.  

Hey all thanks for the responses. I got one of the last two spots with the shuttle guys. The transport only option $175 not to bad.


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