Does anyone have a good route they know of from the Midway area to UIC. I've been going down archer then taking Halsted to UIC. There's a lot of stoplights though and a times a lot of traffic. I'm just trying to look for different route on some less concentrated roads.

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Can you give a somewhat exact starting point?

By 51st and Hamlin

At the risk of saying something like "you can't get there from here" there is no good alternative to Archer. It is a huge problem that access to/from huge swaths of the southwest side is dependent on Archer which is a terrible street for biking.

You might want to try residential streets over to California, take that up* to Ogden to Roosevelt. At least Roosevelt has some bike lanes I think.

* getting over the expressway and the river is super unpleasant pretty much anywhere west of Western.

Loomis is a good route north to UIC (over river, under expressway) from Archer, better than Ashland though a little longer, comes before Halsted. You can switch to Blue Island in Pilsen to cut off a corner if you're going to the east campus. Morgan is also good. I don't think there's a good alternative to Archer even though it's bad.

yeah that damn river and all those factories that are by it make it hard to find a good route

Tony Adams said:

At the risk of saying something like "you can't get there from here" there is no good alternative to Archer. It is a huge problem that access to/from huge swaths of the southwest side is dependent on Archer which is a terrible street for biking.

You might want to try residential streets over to California, take that up* to Ogden to Roosevelt. At least Roosevelt has some bike lanes I think.

* getting over the expressway and the river is super unpleasant pretty much anywhere west of Western.

No fan of Archer here either. Guessing you already know about Loomis?  Unfortunately that means you have to cross that god-forsaken intersection at Archer/Ashland.

I would get myself to California which, except for the I-55 interchange, is perhaps the least of all evils for getting north from the southwest side; north to  25th , cross Western, northeast on Coulter, north on Damen, east on 23rd, north on Wood to 16th, and 16th to Morgan or whatever other street works for you  (assuming east campus.)

Also be aware the Wood underpass at 16th=14th was repaved last year and momentarily doesn't suck, so you can just take Wood to Taylor or whatever your favorite route from West to East campus is.

I really like 16th though...

51st west to Halsted, and then north to UIC sounds pretty good.


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