Anyone had any success with reporting abandoned bikes to CTA for removal? I have been sending several emails for a month and the bike is still there.

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Are you sure it's a CTA rack and not a City rack? Most are City racks. The City gets around to it, but lately, it's not a quick process. 

Here are some prior forum posts:

Here and here.

Here is a link to the City's abandoned bike policy and procedure.

Here is a link to the CTA's abandoned bike policy and procedure.

Good Luck.


Thanks for the links. I think it is a CTA rack but it's probably best to confirm.

I finally called the customer service line who suggested I send an email to the "feedback" email address. So, I sent an email on Tuesday. Just received this email back from CTA. Thought I would share.

Thank you for your comments.  We apologize for any inconvenience.  The e-mail address: is no longer valid.  Please contact Feedback for any future incidents you would like to report regarding abandoned bikes.
We have contacted the appropriate department regarding the abandoned bike you mention in your e-mail.  They will investigate your concern.
Again, we are sorry for the inconvenience.


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