Taking a hiatus everynow and then from cycling because of a book?

I read a lot of books, even though I am not a fast reader.  Most books I finish in a week, longer in the summer time or longer books.
Every now and then I pick up a book that I just can't put down, except for sleeping, eating, drinking or other social events.
Like this past Friday, I picked up a book that I think is so good that I want to continue to read and finish quickly, so I am taking a hiatus from ridng my bike to work and enjoy the finest accommodation from CTA's Red line so I can use the time to and from work to read my book.

I'd like to know how everyone else handles this. Do they keep riding to commute to work and just stop somewhere to read a bit and continue at home? Or some other arrangement?

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I'm big on reading myself, and one I get into a book, I'll spend a few days in a row taking the bus/train since that's when I have time to spare for reading.  Its usually a little easier to bike when I have to make stops since I don't have to wait for transit more than once, but if I'm going somewhere nice and don't want to carry bike gear I'll take transit.  Also I'm a quasi-fair weather cyclist.  I don't mind cold so much, but strong headwinds or rain are not enjoyable to me.

Since it takes about the same amount of time for me to ride in vs. bike in and I enjoy listening to podcasts or reading on the train, I have no qualms about alternating when I feel like it.  No rules that once you start bike commuting you must always do so.  

This is partly why you have so many books in your queue that I have recommended and you have not yet completed ;) 

Cameron Puetz said:

In the summer I'll often keep a book in my saddle bag and stop at a park on my way home to read. In the winter I really only read at home.

I've pretty much stopped reading regular books since I started bike commuting.  I listen to audiobooks at home while doing the dishes, laundry, cleaning, etc.  Never on the road though!  That would be far too distracting.

Same problem. Cycling won out. I am a Bernard Cornwell addict, so now I read him on breaks, in the john and the one day per week I take the red line. Tough choice, but I figure my health (exercise) is more important than my entertainment.


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