I am wondering if anyone in/around the South Loop area is interested in participating in a regular small group ride?  Speed - let's say 18-20 mph for starters.  Date/time and meeting place can be worked out.


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I'm down with that.

I live in the south loop and am very interested!

Yes!  Interested!

18-20 mph in the south loop? You might have an issue with stoplights and people:)

OK - one option:

This Saturday, around 7 AM?, meet at the Burnham Harbor circle (Waldron at Museum Campus Drive) - Please find link to possible route below: 

http://soc.li/MmatdYK (Lakefront path south to Ewing / 100th - 25 miles but we could go farther...)

I am open to alternates.  Please let me know if the link does not work.

7AM on a Saturday? I would do 9, or even 8AM, but 7 on a weekend? That's going to be tough for some of us (me in particular) :-D

Amy Dee - no you are not wrong - please throw out a route if you have ideas, would love to hear them...

Just Will - 8 or 9 AM is fine with me - 

Thanks everyone

I would definately be part of a sloop riding group ; )

hm. I agreed to a MTB ride this Saturday morning already.

Just to add to the herd of cats, I'll say that Saturday mornings are tough for me due to prior training commitments. 

The route you planned actually works well for the start time you have in mind.  If you take that route with a start time later than 8 on a Saturday, it will be tricky to maintain speed, particularly on the return.  Foot / tourtist traffic gets tricky on the LFP on weekends.
Todd Webb said:

Amy Dee - no you are not wrong - please throw out a route if you have ideas, would love to hear them...

Just Will - 8 or 9 AM is fine with me - 

Thanks everyone

We can always try to set up another date for those who cannot make Saturday - feel free to suggest some that work.

Is anyone able to confirm for Saturday? The following needs to be decided:

Date:  Saturday

Time: 8:00 AM (? - Flexible)

Meeting Place:  E Waldron/Museum Campus DR/Lake path (? Flexible)

Route:  (? Flexible)

Thank you!


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