Since beer and cycling seem to go together, I am posing the question: what is everyone's favorite Chicago brewery? Mine is a toss-up between Half Acre and Revolution. If we are including all of Chicagoland, then I'd go with Three Floyd's. 

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Except that craft beer has such a low market share compared to the macrobrewers, that a 15% increase in craft beer sales is a drop in the bucket to the likes of MillerCoors and InBevAB. 

Duppie said:

Ah, yes. The underdog being unfairly beaten up by the big guys. Make you want to root for the small guy, no?

Except that it is not quite true.

For the second year in a row, the craft brewing industry saw 15% growth (in dollars), whereas the big brewers saw a decline in volume. That decline has been going on for a while.

It appears that craft brewers are very well able to compete against the big brewers.

clp said:

As long as we continue to allow the mega-brewers to control brewing, distribution and retailing in the US, craft brewing will operate at a disadvantage and under a cloud...kinda like cyclists being shoved around by the massive auto industry.

Blatherskate said:

Also, local option is contract brewed outta Louisville. Does that count?

Yes, macrobreweries noticed the craft explosion and have tried dipping into that market. But even locally they do have an effect on the local beer scene. The two big guns in town for distribution are River North (anheuser busch) and Chicago beverage company (millercoors.) They prey on new bars by coming in and offering to pay for their draft systems, if they carry strictly their products, which is illegal. There was an article in crains a few years ago that covered this, which I can't seem to find.

Full disclosure, I work in a beer bar and see this stuff all over town. So they do effect the smaller craft brew distributers like Glunz and Windy City.


Some of us like that "crap pale brew" and prefer it over that home-brewed crock-pot thick stew with wheat, rice, horse-piss and other vegetable crap that doesn't conform to the Reinheitsgebot.

If only the German purity law applied to horse piss...

Just don't add rice, we don't need no adjunct lagers!

James BlackHeron said:

Some of us like that "crap pale brew" and prefer it over that home-brewed crock-pot thick stew with wheat, rice, horse-piss and other vegetable crap that doesn't conform to the Reinheitsgebot.

Looks like the naysayers are out in force in this thread.

Multiple years of double digit growth, more active breweries than anytime in the last 120 (!) years. All that points to boom times for the craft brewing industry.

Yet, we complain how the big dogs are unfairly interfering with the small guys and that it is all inconsequential. It must be the difference between a glass half-full and a glass half-empty? ;)

I love biking out to Lunar, but their beers aren't too great.  The ride to 3 Floyds and then over to Flossmoor is a good ride as well with really tasty beers.

As far as what's in town, Goose Island's experimental beers at Clybourn are some of the best brews in the city.  Half Acre really knows what they're doing as well.  Keep your eyes open for Pipeworks Brewing.  They're just getting going and should be a major player in a couple of years.

da' Square Wheelman (aka garth) said:

Lunar Brewery where bar flies rub shoulders with beer snobs in Villa Park, just north off the Great Western Path, 10+ miles west of Forest Park Blue Line stop!

We're planning on riding up there on Friday afternoon. I'll have to try one if they still have it. With 10% ABV, I'll make sure to take the Metra back ;)

I do remember their 'Tis the Saison as well. An underrated beer type, which they brew very true to style. Very drinkable

rb said:

Lake Bluff +1 I had a Weeee!!! Heavy Scotch Ale, 10% ABV, 30 IBU-The last time that i was in there- not my fave beer style at all, but this was the most relaxing beer that I have had in years- super fresh as well.

I like my hops, so I would have to second Daisy Cutter as well- think that I prefer it in a can tho!

I recently tried the new brewery in Bucktown - Pipeworks; I was lucky enough to catch one of their Milk Stouts at Binny's.  I have to say that it was pretty good if not perfect.  The carbonation was way wonky and there were some off-tastes that I usually associate with homebrewers using not 100% sterile equipment, but it was a really drinkable beer for all the big flavors they packed in it.  Hopefully they figure out the few things they need to figure out and start churning out winners.

Making the trek to The Wild Onion in Lake Barrington is worth it for the ride alone. Spring Creek Rd and the rest of that area is beautiful. Huge estates and rolling roads.

Lagunitas Brewing Opening Chicago Brewhouse!

The brewhouse will be located at 18th and Rockwell. That's the old Ryerson steel mill site that's now home to Cinespace Chicago film studios, where Boss is filmed and The Playboy Club was briefly filmed.
- Construction of the brewhouse should completed by July 2013, with the first mash in in the fourth quarter 2013.

lunar is great (yay garth), I like Haymarket and Two Brothers; but the best ???



CHAOS !!!  (sorry for the shameless plug)

I've never had Lunar. Where are they located?

dan brown said:

lunar is great (yay garth), I like Haymarket and Two Brothers; but the best ???



CHAOS !!!  (sorry for the shameless plug)


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