My children (ages 10 and 13) are on vacation next week. I was thinking about renting mountain bikes and going somewhere fun to ride that's not too far from Chicago. Any suggestions on where to rent bikes and where to go?

I thought about RAYSMTB in Milwaukee (, but that's pretty far and it might be nice enough to ride outside.

Later in the summer we might go to Brown County, Indiana.

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Another good place to ask is over at Search the forum first, the answer may already be there.

Hi Avi!

Pretty sure I have at least one bike that would hold up off road for one of your kids.

Try Kettle Moraine State Park in Wisconsin. It's a fantastic park within driving distance. There's a shop that rents mountain bike right near the trailhead of the southern unit

Greenline Wheels in Oak Park rents bikes and trailers by the hour. 


Ray’s I believe is closed for the season, if you do decide to go that route check it out first.


The South unit of the Kettle Moraine is a great option but it would be a bit of a drive from the city up to there. The tore that rents the bikes up there is Backyard Bikes in LaGrange and you can make reservations on their website.


This question has been asked on the CAMBr forums before, there are some stores near Palos that rent the bikes and it is a fun set of trails and closer then Kettle.


Where ever you end up on deciding to go just make sure the trails are open first. Lots of the single track trails close with rains. The CAMBr site lists some trail statuses right on their front page. Kettle Moraine has a hot-line to call ((262) 594-6202) to check its status.


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