Nice first ride in the COLD.


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Boy, I rode in this morning and it was WINDY!  guess I'm a little out of riding shape too, but yikes - anybody else feel the headwind going South on the LFP?  

I felt that headwind this afternoon!

lee.fritz said:

Boy, I rode in this morning and it was WINDY!  guess I'm a little out of riding shape too, but yikes - anybody else feel the headwind going South on the LFP?  

Yup.  Even though I rode the Metra the first 30 miles, the last two I biked were lovely, though all uphill.

Thanks, Steel. I have a camera that does all the technical stuff for me, so I do not have to. I understand good composition and try to apply it - my art background coming back into play. But the remaining intangible comes from being more observant, and I have improved over last year. They say to be a better golfer, hit more balls and ride more miles for a cyclist. For me? Take more photos. I force myself to take them, whether I want to or not - a comment here or there motivates incredibly. The more I shoot - particularly on the same route everyday - the more I notice different things, details or angles. Shoot. Shoot. Shoot. Persistence pays. May you and all my fellow cyclists be happy and safe and your hearts filled with joy.

Steel Driver said:

You're really cultivating your skills Gene.  LFP A.M. an P.M.  The rides were fantastic but I just don't see it the way you capture and share it here, on a daily basis.  On Sundays Architecture ride led by Lee Diamond, there was a young lady who capably pointed out all the colorful blooming flora.  It was as if we were on different rides.  I was blown away how fast she could point out and identifying spring bloomers.

So it's a treat to ride the LFP, then see it again through your shots.

Terrific balance: 

We are fortunate that you are so skilled and generous with your shots!

re Shoot Shoot Shoot,  what do you do with them all? I'm guessing I have way fewer than you, but even so I'm awash  in digital photos and have no way to organize or share them. I have some on Picassa some tossed up randomly on my blog or other websites, but no central way to organize them. Do you have a system or any suggestions? thanks!

Gene Tenner said:

Thanks, Steel. I have a camera that does all the technical stuff for me, so I do not have to. I understand good composition and try to apply it - my art background coming back into play. But the remaining intangible comes from being more observant, and I have improved over last year. They say to be a better golfer, hit more balls and ride more miles for a cyclist. For me? Take more photos. I force myself to take them, whether I want to or not - a comment here or there motivates incredibly. The more I shoot - particularly on the same route everyday - the more I notice different things, details or angles. Shoot. Shoot. Shoot. Persistence pays. May you and all my fellow cyclists be happy and safe and your hearts filled with joy.

Steel Driver said:

You're really cultivating your skills Gene.  LFP A.M. an P.M.  The rides were fantastic but I just don't see it the way you capture and share it here, on a daily basis.  On Sundays Architecture ride led by Lee Diamond, there was a young lady who capably pointed out all the colorful blooming flora.  It was as if we were on different rides.  I was blown away how fast she could point out and identifying spring bloomers.

So it's a treat to ride the LFP, then see it again through your shots.

Terrific balance: 

Thanks for the kind words, Tony. Funny you should ask, because, as my photos mount, I am now reorganizing again. I got lazy with my winter ride photos and have to organize them better.

I keep mine now on an external hard drive, so my computer is not taxed by the amount of memory from the photos.

Under My Pictures I have have multiple folders: Lakefront Winter Rides, Lakefront Sunsets, Lakefront Commutes, Lakefront Waves, Lakefront Night, 46th Ward, Ivy Houses, etc. Within each folder is a Best folder. Each day's photos get thrown in the appropriate folder. After a few weeks I go through them and decide - this is really, really hard - which are the best and toss them in the Best folder. Although this decision-making is hard, it forces me to learn what makes for good photos, and then I can apply what I have learned the next time I go out ... spiralling upward.

I do this at work, too. I have built up a photo library the same way, so when I need a photo of one of our carpenter members working on trim, laying carpet or installing insulation, I know where to find it.

It takes time, but is well worth it if you ever expect to go back and find previous photos to enter in a contest, use in a magazine or share with a friend.

Tony Adams said:

re Shoot Shoot Shoot,  what do you do with them all? I'm guessing I have way fewer than you, but even so I'm awash  in digital photos and have no way to organize or share them. I have some on Picassa some tossed up randomly on my blog or other websites, but no central way to organize them. Do you have a system or any suggestions? thanks!


To paraphrase someone who knew what they were talking about.  "The eight hours at work simply interrupts the ride."  That's become my perspective too.    

Tony chuck some shots our way, when you have time.  BTW you were the catalyst for me to drop the big chainring, FD and barcon from the left side.  It was your LeTour build that got me to reduce,  thanks! 


Dynamic composition!

If you can dress right this is great bike driving weather.  Heck as long as the suns out it's fun.  

Hope to me you at CCM.  


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