Most of us ride on the chainlink. All of us our in a hurry! So we know that bikes may get you from point A to point B quicker than a car. But how often do we actually follow the rules of the road? We want the same rights as a car does. So why don't we do these? Well today I did and you know that I found out a few things doing this. 1) I seen more respect from the cars today then any other day. 2) It really didn't take me that much longer to get from point (A) - (B) . Maybe 5 minutes more in travel time. 3) It gave me a better workout when I really wasn't trying to achieve that. 4) Most of all it gave me a better safety feeling. I generally do follow the rules of the road, But I to do find my self coming to that stop sign & not making a complete stop. (Were one foot touches the ground) This is when a car knows what you are doing! Being predicable.
My whole point is or was to see a difference in bike vs car as to respect.
I officially call shenanigans!
notoriousDUG said:
Lets see the info on your 'organization's' incorporation, have an address for your physical location, proof of liability insurance and see some actual events beyond you trying to get volunteers for Bike The Drive so you can get something in return...
Tony, Language and your words do matter; people are not going to get behind a 'organization' when the director does not know the difference between 'our' and 'are' or is unwilling to take the time to proof read things to see they got it wrong. You show up here every spring looking to exploit people for your own gain with no return for them and then disappear when it gets cold; do you even bike year round? How much traction do you expect to get with your bike advocacy 'organization' (who's website has not been updated and still shows events from last summer) when you are never really out there riding around?
buddaa38 said:My organization does exist! I don't know what you are referring or why you make such a comment. If you only know what I've been doing you wouldn't be saying this!
Robert Beck said:I guess its that time of year again, huh Tony? Let me guess that next post is you will be seeking volunteers for that organization that does not even exist!
I'm guessing Tony used to or maybe still does ride that small yellow bus!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That seems a bit inappropriate.
Albany Park Bikes (A.P.B.) was incorporated in Illinois as a Not for Profit corporation on 10/5/09.
King CeZar said:
I'm guessing Tony used to or maybe still does ride that small yellow bus!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
True True !!
Everyone has an opinion. It's there freedom to exercise that.
True True !!
Everyone has an opinion. It's there freedom to exercise that.
Active Transportation Alliance said:
Great approach overall, sounds very safe!
We're also fans of signaling and waving, thumbs up is good too. Double thumbs up if you can, but keep it safe, people.
Ethan, Active Trans
(Edit in... I do try to use hand signals, not the middle finger :) - No matter how nice or good a cyclist we are we are going to piss some drivers off, because they don't feel we should be on the road. I try my best to respect everyone.)
I'm not here to debate anybody about my organization on this forum or in public. If you would like to communicate with me about our organization please e-mail @: ... I will be happy to discuss whatever you'd like too.
Thank you
I've requested the information I am asking for here before both publicly and via private e-mails and in every case you have ignored my requests; one of which I made after you asked me to volunteer for your organization.
Here is a very good question for you Tony: If everything with APB is on the up and up why are you unwilling, or unable, to answer some simple questions about your organization on a cycling message board?
I'll send and e-mail again requesting the info I asked for but I expect the same response I have gotten before.
buddaa38 said:
I'm not here to debate anybody about my organization on this forum or in public. If you would like to communicate with me about our organization please e-mail @: ... I will be happy to discuss whatever you'd like too.
Thank you
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