Nice first ride in the COLD.


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I also overdressed, but the ride was still beautiful. If it stays this warm and doesn't rain, I will be riding home sans jacket. 

Did not need the balaclava this morning, that's for sure.

I blew it.  Took the CTA.  And I hate taking the CTA... shorts.

What a beautiful misty foggyness I saw on the ride this morning.   All the droplets on the trees, seepage in the basement, it was a morning for the books! 

That wicked west wind was in my favor (woot, alliteration!)

I was heading home east on Bryn Mawr, tearing it up. Looked down at my cycle computer at one point and saw 27.6 mph. 'twas a pure slice of Heaven for an instant.

I was fighting it the whole time.  TOUGH but still glad I rode today.

I was totally comfortable this morning but was freezing on this evening's ride.  Should have tossed my gloves in my bag before heading out this morning.

Did anyone actually try the lakefront tonite? I was white-knuckling it on Lincoln, can't imagine what it like right off the lake. Good times.

The wind was wicked tonight. I didn't even consider the lakefront. 

Couple of those high rises along Milwaukee ave. were tough with the cross/head wind.


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