Nice first ride in the COLD.


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Steve (the founder) and Nick are the two hardest hardcore guys. This winter, the blog pictures haven't been as dramatic due to the mild weather. Usually there are some pics of them swimming among ice chunks, like seals, which I enjoy viewing from the comfort of my sofa, with a hot mug of coffee in hand.

Julie Hochstadter said:

Some of those winter swimmers are Chainlinkers too.  I can't remember the name of one winter/swimmer right now, but we are CRAZY in Chicago!

Michelle Stenzel said:

I swim with the Open Water Chicago group from May to October. A hardcore group swims year round, and the rest of us think they're crazy. I haven't reached that point yet, but I used to think riding a bike in winter was crazy, and now I'm doing it, so who knows. By May, the water temps are usually in the 50s, so it's not too bad with a tri wetsuit only (no hood, gloves, or socks). It's a very friendly group, whether you come one time or regularly, so if any of you want to do more open water swimming, come on out!

No, today I took the train...but only because I was sore from yesterday's 62-mile ride.  Just like today, yesterday's wind was tough -- giving me a fierce (bad) headwind going to Indiana and a fierce (good) tailwind coming back to Rogers Park!

I'm gonna try, but I'm pretty sure the wind is going to win today.

I have to taxi some dogs back to their house so at some point, I've got to pick up my car. My intentions are to ride my bike most of the day, but you know what the road to hell is paved with, right? 

Open Water Chicago -- WHAT? Humans never cease to amaze me. Anytime anyone comments about crazy cyclists, we could simply mention that there are people swimming in the lake today. That ought to shut 'em up. I feel cold just thinking about it. 

Congratulations! Thanks for helping another one of us start biking!

For anyone else who is starting out new riders, do not use training wheels! Get your child a scoot bike. The two boys in my intentional community were both pedaling sans training wheels at the age of three.

Jenn_W said:

2/26 The kid (almost 7) finally riding without training wheels. Whoa! (Sorry! Proud Momma-Moment!)

He had a hard time in the wind yesterday when he was riding on the sidewalk, instead of the empty parking lot.

It is very pleasant out today. The wind on Wells always reminds me that I slack off over the weekends.


All things considered, not bad, but certainly windy. I'll take sunny and windy over gray and rainy.

I'll be glad to get home shortly. I love how my road bike flies with a 15 mph tailwind (guessing that's about how windy it is right now.) This has been quite an interesting winter.

Almost got hit today as I was about to merge to the left lane on Lawrence just east of Damen.  As I looked to my left, a car was right next to me.  If I had gotten hit, I wonder if it would have been me veering as I turned to look or the car too close to me.  Prob the latter since I am pretty used to riding that intersection, but don't know for sure.  I was very caught off guard.

CONGRATS!  I remember when we took my nephew's training wheels off during an Active Trans BLT ride.  Have a picture somewhere.... it made Chicago Athlete.

Jenn_W said:

2/26 The kid (almost 7) finally riding without training wheels. Whoa! (Sorry! Proud Momma-Moment!)

He had a hard time in the wind yesterday when he was riding on the sidewalk, instead of the empty parking lot.

It is very pleasant out today. The wind on Wells always reminds me that I slack off over the weekends.


Yes, Steve! 

Michelle Stenzel said:

Steve (the founder) and Nick are the two hardest hardcore guys. This winter, the blog pictures haven't been as dramatic due to the mild weather. Usually there are some pics of them swimming among ice chunks, like seals, which I enjoy viewing from the comfort of my sofa, with a hot mug of coffee in hand.

Julie Hochstadter said:

Some of those winter swimmers are Chainlinkers too.  I can't remember the name of one winter/swimmer right now, but we are CRAZY in Chicago!

Michelle Stenzel said:

I swim with the Open Water Chicago group from May to October. A hardcore group swims year round, and the rest of us think they're crazy. I haven't reached that point yet, but I used to think riding a bike in winter was crazy, and now I'm doing it, so who knows. By May, the water temps are usually in the 50s, so it's not too bad with a tri wetsuit only (no hood, gloves, or socks). It's a very friendly group, whether you come one time or regularly, so if any of you want to do more open water swimming, come on out!

A.M. commute, LFP, what do I spy with my little eye?  Off in the distance FLAGS on a bike!  More specifically, flags on the back of recumbent trike, maybe?!   My heart skips, my head asks is there a flamingo?  Is this, could this be… the infamous Ice Trike?  It’s power on now baby, wow in pursuit!  Gaining, closer, closing, flags but no flamingo.  No slippered toes either.   Passing I belt out a good morning and receive a muffled reply.  The trike driver sensibly has her lower face covered against the morning gusts. 


Sometime I hope to meet the Ice Trike Flamingo and its artistically capable operator.  Some day…


P.M. was the fine.  The wind blows, eh February in ChicAgo, no complaints.  Holly's got it, "Sunny and windy over gray and rainy."  Which is tomorrow, maybe.

Happy to read there was no contact today.  ; )  


I do not think there are any prevailing winds on the lakefront path, Morgan. Easterly or westerly winds always feel like they are in your face. This morning's forecast said westerly winds, yet at times it was definitely from the north, definitely from the south and I even got an easterly blast, too. Go figure. There are times when it is strong from the north or strong from the south, but I never count on it to last. It is always a roll of the dice. As the saying goes, if you do not like Chicago's weather ...

Steel Driver,

There are impostors out there. I always give a hearty howdie when greeted.


Steel Driver said:

A.M. commute, LFP, what do I spy with my little eye?  Off in the distance FLAGS on a bike!  More specifically, flags on the back of recumbent trike, maybe?!   My heart skips, my head asks is there a flamingo?  Is this, could this be… the infamous Ice Trike?  It’s power on now baby, wow in pursuit!  Gaining, closer, closing, flags but no flamingo.  No slippered toes either.   Passing I belt out a good morning and receive a muffled reply.  The trike driver sensibly has her lower face covered against the morning gusts. 


Sometime I hope to meet the Ice Trike Flamingo and its artistically capable operator.  Some day…


P.M. was the fine.  The wind blows, eh February in ChicAgo, no complaints.  Holly's got it, "Sunny and windy over gray and rainy."  Which is tomorrow, maybe.

Happy to read there was no contact today.  ; )  



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