for me no not on the mirror but maybe kick the tire ha

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It's not like they were using the mirror anyway

Yeah, no. No way.


You never know who is bat-shit crazy or carrying a weapon. I'd tell the guy to go to hell, and go on my way.

What's wrong a little street justice once in awhile?  My therapist says I shouldn't bottle things up.   Plus, it's not like that 3 foot passing law is enforceable at all.  

I am pretty sure 'revenge' is not a verb...

Escalation is always a horrible idea just on general principal but I want you to ponder this for just one second...

You rip a mirror off a car, do some other real damage, or do something physical to a person you are, in all reality, giving them justification, and possibly a reason in their own head, to act aggressively towards the next cyclist they encounter.  The nutbag that forces you off the road in a blind rage over nothing could be doing it because the last cyclist he saw kicked a dent in his car. 

Stop thinking about just yourself and start thinking about the entire community and how your actions make it look.

your duncle said:

What's wrong a little street justice once in awhile?  My therapist says I shouldn't bottle things up.   Plus, it's not like that 3 foot passing law is enforceable at all.  

A little over the top for what actually happened. I'll bang on the hood or smack the mirror. He wasn't hurt and he just broke the mirror.

Civil and criminal law gives individuals some latitude when it comes to causing damage to someone else's property (or person) while acting to protect their own life or health in a reasonable manner and with no other acceptable choice. Where as here, the danger has already passed, this exception for criminal and civil liability no longer applies. This cyclist was just being an asshole. 

Well said. Once in a while, I'm sure we all feel like doing something like what this cyclist did, but we keep ourselves in check.

Now, if the motorist threatens to harm me, I'm going for the windshield with my Kryptonite. Just kidding. Probably.

notoriousDUG said:

Stop thinking about just yourself and start thinking about the entire community and how your actions make it look.

It's easy to view an incident in a highlight out of context and form a negative opinion of either party, but i  must say i lean towards the rider's side on this one...

i wouldn't judge the cyclist so harshly. Maybe he only meant to smack the mirror for noise and the breakage was bonus? Did anyone else think that perhaps the whole point of the grey car's manoeuvre was to block the rider? Some of the youtube commenters thought so. And why was the cyclist in the left lane? To make a turn? What happened in the minutes leading up to the encounter?

If i had been the driver in the black car, i'd've been inclined to let that grey car run into me and let the cops sort it out... i'm insured. That kind of idiot driving ignites my roar rage. The grey car's driving reminds me of some of the antics i've encountered by certain cabbies of eastern European origin.

Also, where was this footage taken? i noticed that some of the YT comments were written in Cyrillic.

So by this reasoning if I were to KILL the aggressive motorist, I would benefit the community most effectively, since he (most sure a he) will never harm another cyclist again.

(Not sure what emoticon I need here.)

Damn...VW must make a real crappy car or this guy had the strength of Arnold to bitch slap that mirror off...This smells like a set-up.

Yea at least give him props for a killer punch. His hand has to really hurt.


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