I saw this bike a few weeks ago in front of the Home Depot on Lincoln in Lincolnwood.

Super curious what the motor does...

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I think this is a primitive motorcycle, a regular bicycle with a motor strapped on, aftermarket, to turn the rear wheel.  But I'm only guessing, I don't know for sure.  Any other guesses?

I thought at first it was a chainsaw mounted on the back -you know, in case zombies attack or something.

Could be an electric generator to spin a blender for in-ride frozen margaritas.  Come to think of it, that's not a bad idea...

I"d buy that!

3w from the dyno-hub really can't spin much of an electric blender.

This would be awesome at the next Tweed Ride:


Thunder Snow said:

Could be an electric generator to spin a blender for in-ride frozen margaritas.  Come to think of it, that's not a bad idea...

1. No, it's not mine.

2. To annoy and pollute.

Maybe an air compressor??? I tried googling Titan and I got car dealerships and air compressors.  

I don't know anything about motor-bikes but I can't see in either pic where it powers the bike. I saw Titan on the side of the engine but I can't make out the other words.  

Thunder Snow said:

I think this is a primitive motorcycle, a regular bicycle with a motor strapped on, aftermarket, to turn the rear wheel.  But I'm only guessing, I don't know for sure.  Any other guesses?

This is a mystery we as a community have to solve.

Good eyeball on "Titan", Rich S.  I'm thinking Dax Titan cheapo strap on motorbike kit here:


(Note to Julie: we're on the case! No mystery of life is too great for TheChainlinkers to solve!)

I gotta say, whether you're a bicyclist or a motorcyclist, this rig looks bottom-of-the-barrel.

Oops, never mind. I concur.

It is a bike motor. The drive portion does not appear to be connected. Here's the Titan photo. Specs are one cylinder, four stroke, 49 cc. and price is $190. Here's where you can buy one.

Probably a friction drive kit instead of gear/chain driven.  2nd pic down on their website.

I would think something like this is spectacularly inefficient.  Also, if you didn't have it adjusted properly, seems like you'd be going through rear tires like crazy.

There was a group of guys with these or similar that were on Critical Mass, in August I think, with the engines turned on.  I really wanted to shoulder check them into the curb because the engines were in really bad shape and they just blasted noise and exhaust everywhere.  Some people just don't get it.

Kevin C said:

Oops, never mind. I concur.

It is a bike motor. The drive portion does not appear to be connected. Here's the Titan photo. Specs are one cylinder, four stroke, 49 cc. and price is $190. Here's where you can buy one.

It is a friction driven bicycle- Rob & I inspected it the last time we were at that exact same Home Depot off of Lincoln and McCormick. We believe one of the workers there owns it, as we have seen it on several occasions, in fact, we have seen it almost every time we go to Home Depot.  There is a medium size friction wheel hidden under the rack that is right over the rear wheel- we couldn't help but peek at it when we were leaving the store one day.  I personally can't stand gas motor driven bicycles- they stink and are way too loud. 

It's mine - I mow the grass with it.


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