I am new to the community here in Chicago and someone suggested I join chifg.com to find items for sale and get in on the bike scene here in Chicago. Well I signed up over a month ago and never heard back, which means I must have been screened out.


Anyone on here in chifg as well? I was wondering what kind of things they found in my 'background check' that are keeping me out.

At least I have the chainlink to stay connected! Thanks for the great forum.

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I`m on there. i just think the mods are sleeping. I will send one an email and see if that does any good.

Thanks! I was cruising the forum with a friend that is on it. Seems like a real active community I would like to be a part of.

yeah, i tried signing up some 5 years ago.  still havent got the call back

They take forever! Signed up forgot about it, 6 months later got a email saying I was in.

Yeah, I think it took me about a year and a couple of emails to people, finally got in. It just takes a while, I don't think they judge or pick and choose. 

I'm not sure this Michelle Loomis person (if that's her real name) is a good fit with the chainlink culture... Anybody else? Opinions?

ha ha.  I should start background checks for everyone here :))

Kevin C said:

I'm not sure this Michelle Loomis person (if that's her real name) is a good fit with the chainlink culture... Anybody else? Opinions?

lol. Interestingly, my request was approved right away. They're a good group of guys over there.

yay! I have member status, thanks everyone!


Julie, you should hire someone like that character from The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo to computer hack people and make sure they are worthy ;)

I agree with Kevin,  I think we need to do a backround checks. 

Of course those already on here should be grandfathered in.

Kevin C said:

I'm not sure this Michelle Loomis person (if that's her real name) is a good fit with the chainlink culture... Anybody else? Opinions?

So does this mean you'll be leaving the chainlink now that you got into your first choice?

Michelle Loomis said:

yay! I have member status, thanks everyone!


Julie, you should hire someone like that character from The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo to computer hack people and make sure they are worthy ;)

Of course not! Why can't I be on both? (and I never said I prefer one forum over the other) I wanted to be on chifg b/c it has a high volume of parts for sale and I need to build a city ride. I just didn't want to go through my friends profile every time I wanted to get something. This forum seems to have a lot of events scheduled, especially for the winter. Good for making friends. Best of both worlds? I think so.

Kevin C said:

So does this mean you'll be leaving the chainlink now that you got into your first choice?

Michelle Loomis said:

yay! I have member status, thanks everyone!


Julie, you should hire someone like that character from The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo to computer hack people and make sure they are worthy ;)


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