When a website that claims to be promoting local cycling in the city of Chicago has a banner ad for a site which is one of the many internet discount outlets that make it hard for local bike shops.

Way to go Chainlink, bravo.  Is the advertising dollar worth making things harder on the local shops here in Chicago?

Is this site about serving the local community or is it about being a profit center for it's owner?

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Really? You haven't had my home cured bacon then?

Start with a pork belly from a humanely raised pig from C&D Family farms in Knox, IN.

Wet cure it for 4-5 days in  a nitrate-free cure in our Michigan made fridge.

Then hot smoke it for a few hours on my Georgia made grill, using the Amaze-n Smoker box, welded in Minnesota out of American steel.

Finish it off in our Iowan made oven to make sure it is fully cooked.

Slice nice and thick with my Wisconsin made Chinese-style knife

This what is what you end up with:

Fry it up with some eggs from our own backyard chickens, and serve on my wife's home made bread (usually made with Illinois grown wheat). Drink coffee that is roasted 100 yards from my home (Metropolis roasting garage on Clark).

Local enough for you?

Bernard Joseph Hannigan said:

Best bacon in the UNIVERSE?....Bobby Nelson in WI...

I bet those coffee beans were grown in south america or the caribbeans.  

Duppie said:

Fry it up with some eggs from our own backyard chickens, and serve on my wife's home made bread (usually made with Illinois grown wheat). Drink coffee that is roasted 100 yards from my home (Metropolis roasting garage on Clark).

Local enough for you?

Damn ferriners!

S said:

I bet those coffee beans were grown in south america or the caribbeans.  

Where did I suggest otherwise?

S said:

I bet those coffee beans were grown in south america or the caribbeans.  

Duppie said:

Fry it up with some eggs from our own backyard chickens, and serve on my wife's home made bread (usually made with Illinois grown wheat). Drink coffee that is roasted 100 yards from my home (Metropolis roasting garage on Clark).

Local enough for you?

Darn, maybe you could ask Metropolitan to buy its coffee from Hawaii:




Duppie said:

Where did I suggest otherwise?

S said:

I bet those coffee beans were grown in south america or the caribbeans.  

Duppie said:

Fry it up with some eggs from our own backyard chickens, and serve on my wife's home made bread (usually made with Illinois grown wheat). Drink coffee that is roasted 100 yards from my home (Metropolis roasting garage on Clark).

Local enough for you?

It's a far cry from cooking squirrel roadkill with fire from locally fallen twigs on the side of a remote mountain/or a remote undisturbed plot of land somewhere in the great outdoors, but I'll give you an A for effort.  Not bad for a D(y)uppie.  ;)   

Duppie said:

Really? You haven't had my home cured bacon then?

Start with a pork belly from a humanely raised pig from C&D Family farms in Knox, IN.

Wet cure it for 4-5 days in  a nitrate-free cure in our Michigan made fridge.

Then hot smoke it for a few hours on my Georgia made grill, using the Amaze-n Smoker box, welded in Minnesota out of American steel.

Finish it off in our Iowan made oven to make sure it is fully cooked.

Slice nice and thick with my Wisconsin made Chinese-style knife

This what is what you end up with:

Fry it up with some eggs from our own backyard chickens, and serve on my wife's home made bread (usually made with Illinois grown wheat). Drink coffee that is roasted 100 yards from my home (Metropolis roasting garage on Clark).

Local enough for you?

Or maybe the USA can just annex Colombia or the entire West Coast of South America like they annexed Hawaii soon after WW2.

Would that make it OK to buy from there if it was "from the USA?"

Heck, looks like the USA is going to annex the entirety of the Middle East sooner or later.   Iran is obviously next sometime probably before November. 

It would just be a step in integrating the entire world under one social economic system so that all can be equal no matter where they lived. 


James BlackHeron said:

Or maybe the USA can just annex Colombia or the entire West Coast of South America like they annexed Hawaii soon after WW2.

Would that make it OK to buy from there if it was "from the USA?"

Heck, looks like the USA is going to annex the entirety of the Middle East sooner or later.   Iran is obviously next sometime probably before November. 

Obama is on his way to really earning that Peace Prize.  

Looks like Iran is next:

Stars are US bases.

All your bases are the US. 

Nice video game reference.  But should be "all your base are belong to US" if you want to get technical. :)

At least that would increase domestic oil production enough for Conservatives to finally shut up about domestic energy policies ;) 

James BlackHeron said:

Heck, looks like the USA is going to annex the entirety of the Middle East sooner or later.   Iran is obviously next sometime probably before November. 

I am there...What time is breakfast....OR, you could do this for WINTER BIKE TO WORK DAY!!!!...Which I am going to try to make

Duppie said:

Really? You haven't had my home cured bacon then?

Start with a pork belly from a humanely raised pig from C&D Family farms in Knox, IN.

Wet cure it for 4-5 days in  a nitrate-free cure in our Michigan made fridge.

Then hot smoke it for a few hours on my Georgia made grill, using the Amaze-n Smoker box, welded in Minnesota out of American steel.

Finish it off in our Iowan made oven to make sure it is fully cooked.

Slice nice and thick with my Wisconsin made Chinese-style knife

This what is what you end up with:

Fry it up with some eggs from our own backyard chickens, and serve on my wife's home made bread (usually made with Illinois grown wheat). Drink coffee that is roasted 100 yards from my home (Metropolis roasting garage on Clark).

Local enough for you?

Bernard Joseph Hannigan said:

Best bacon in the UNIVERSE?....Bobby Nelson in WI...


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