Hello Chainlink people!

So, my name is Kevin and I'm fairly new to this community but have been a cyclist at heart for good chunk of time.  But what brings me here posting today is that I really, really want to start a cycling program here in Chicago.  And this is what it will be...

It will be called Chicago Bike Angels.  Chi Bike Angels will connect aspiring cyclists with enthusiastic volunteers who will show them the ropes of city riding and most importantly, giving them the confidence and support they need to start.  How many of us know at least one person who wants to ride but is intimidated or scared of the city streets?  Well, Bike Angels will get those folks out there!  Bike Angels will meet one-on-one with these people and ride and chat with them giving them the much needed know-how and support.

The program started in Sao Paulo, Brazil but has spread across the country (check their website here).  The idea was brought to me by a traveling Brazilian I met in Chicago and since then, I've skyped with the founders in Brazil and just yesterday, had dinner with Julie from The Chainlink who said we could use the site if needed (whoohoo! Julie, you're the best!).

Chi Bike Angels is just an idea now but I'm looking to find some nice people who would want to help out with organizing any aspect of the project.  Could that be you?? Please respond to the thread or message me if you want to help or just have an idea. I'm thinking that we'll have a first meeting in the next week or two and by Spring, we'll be on the streets with some new cyclists!

Ok, thanks for reading this big post and let me know if you can be involved! 


Update:  First meeting for anyone/everyone will be Saturday, Jan 21 at 3pm at On The Route Bicycles (3144 N Lincoln).  Also, anyone interested in helping at all, please email chibikebud@gmail.com so we can keep you in communication and be in contact!  Also, name change - we are now Bike Buddies.  Thanks for all the support so far, woo! 

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Still interested. I can't be there the afternoon of the 21st.

Kevin Swanson said:

Wow - I'm so excited with all the replies already!  Thanks!  I'll be messaging you all to start gathering emails to make a listserve.

Let's tentatively schedule a first meeting for the Saturday, Jan 21 in the afternoon.  Would that work?

I'm in.

I can do the 21st.

I won't know if I can meet then till much closer but don;t hold the meeting on my part; this is the sort of thing that can be organized by a few folks.

I'd like to help out.

Sat afternoon Jan 21 works for me too.

Sorry, that date doesn't work for me, but I can join in on future meetings.

count me in. I am available the 21st as well.

I'd like to help out, but Jan 21 weekend will not work for me, and neither will the following weekend.

Please keep me in the loop. Great idea and I'd love to help.


I can't help, but I need help!!! This is a great concept. Thanks in advance...

Im in......    ;-)


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