Nice first ride in the COLD.


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Great day to ride. I might even do a lunch ride!

Spray your knobbies with Armor All and the white stuff falls right off.

Nick Butterfield said:

i don't know, dude. in my experience, barring the freshest of powder, a skinny tire tends to do a better job at finding the asphalt underneath the snow and slush. knobbies just get so caked with snow.

Lee said:

As a skinny tire rider I can go much faster if I don't have to lug out the mountain bike to plow through bad streets.  I'll take the quicker commute and whatever cold temp it is over the snow all day.  

Maybe just on the weekends provided it melts by Monday?

Barclor said:

Yes I did, but I have to say I'm disappointed in the weather. After last years snowy winter, I've been looking forward to some snow rides. They are, by far, the most exciting commutes I have all year.

Is it just me, or is anyone else dying to see the white stuff fly?

What is this wizardry?

Gene Tenner said:

Spray your knobbies with Armor All and the white stuff falls right off.

'Tis advice I got from Merlin at the Shoppe just after Arthur yanked that sword out of the stone.

Adam "Cezar" Jenkins said:

What is this wizardry?

Gene Tenner said:

Spray your knobbies with Armor All and the white stuff falls right off.


Was I in hibernating and woke up in Spring today?

PLEASE, no spoilers;).

PS. Yes, I indeed rode today.

One word : sweat!

 /\ /\ And what he said /\ /\

WOOHOO, look ma no gloves on the P.M. commute!  Just call me Sargent Chaff, I can handle the white stuff and ice when it happens but these mild temps have been terrific!  

No. Relatives in from TX and they are upset there is no snow!  I just smile and say "If you were here for last Winter..."


Yes. Cannot wait for Thursday and SNOW!


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