Since this winter is shaping up to be a bust for cross country skiing, I've decided that in addition commuting and social rides I should include some long rides in my winter biking. Therefore I'd like to get a nice pair of insulated SPD compatible bike shoes. I have a hard time finding shoes that fit so I'd like to find some place where I can try a couple of pairs on. Does anyone know of any shops that stock a couple models of winter bike shoes?

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Turin will have Lake boots and probably Sidis.

Last I'd seen Johnny Sprockets in Lakeview had the Specialized "Defroster(?)" shoes. They also, as well as Roscoe Village Bikes, have the Mavic winter boot/shoes in stock. The Lake boots suggested above are very nice too.

+1 for Turin. They tend to have a few of the Lake models on hand, as well as Sidi. That is where I purchased my MXZ302 boots. I've got 3 winters in them, and I love them.

2nd season on my lake boots and I can tell you no matter how cold it is out one pair of wool socks keeps your toes toasty. The pair I have has spd and 3 hole look style drillings so I can swap cleats for road or spd pedals.  Turin is great if your north, or try licktons if you are near oak park

I second the wool socks. I use the same shoes year round just change socks.

Michael A said:

2nd season on my lake boots and I can tell you no matter how cold it is out one pair of wool socks keeps your toes toasty. The pair I have has spd and 3 hole look style drillings so I can swap cleats for road or spd pedals.  Turin is great if your north, or try licktons if you are near oak park

The Mavic shoe is at Pony Shop.  I have a pair (2 sizes bigger than my road shoe).  Highly recommended.

I found my Lake boots at Licktons Bikes in Oak Park.  I had a hard time finding a place that had them in stock.  The guy at Licktons said that Lake lost their distributor in the US and it's been challenging to get them.  Love the boots btw.  They are the warmest winter boots I have owned, biking or otherwise.


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