Nice first ride in the COLD.


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same here. The first days with snow are always a bit slower than the rest of the season.

Reddog said:

Today was interesting.  I had to re-learn how to ride in the snow.  But Overall no problems.


I totally wimped out today and put off the things I had to do; I'm blaming it on a sprained ankle but I rode on it the last two days so yeah...

As for the cold feat good socks as suggested are a good idea but even more than that is keeping them dry and wind proof.

Short ride today from Logan Square to Damen & Division--pretty cold. The ride home (westward) was unbelievably windy. I didn't really have issues with the snow and found my jaunt through Humboldt Park to be really fun. I wouldn't have wanted to spend long periods of time out there today. It's winter! 

I'm a little bit nervous for tomorrow morning. Overnight low is 13F, and should be around 14-15F when I leave the house around 6:15A.

Oh boy.

P.M. commute was breezy.  21F with 15-20 MPH head winds at times.  Traffic was light which was nice.  Saw a man on bike with no helmet or hat, wow!

I rode from 7:00 to 8:30 last night and from 3:00 to 4:30 this afternoon along the lakefront. Last night I saw light orange clouds lit by the city lights zooming along and with the wind at my back small snowflakes that looked like meandering fireflies. Today I saw explosive waves heaving 30 feet skyward and a flock of gulls weaving a pattern over my head. Both were beautiful, but the night rides are always more endearing. I am alone with the beauty and my thoughts.

Cold today, but it looks like warm weather is headed back soon.  This has been a weird winter.

Loved today.  Ice in the water bottle and ice crystals on my eyelashes.

Good times!

Streets were much nicer than yesterday.


First time my thighs got a little cold today, never had that happen before (sub-zero tights and basketball shorts). As far as the toes go, they are always cold after 20 minutes, do those experts out there think wool is enough or it has to be combo'd with a windproofing element as well?

The balaclava I got for xmas worked great!

Four layers this morning, Four. :)

Yeah, this is the first time I've had to layer up really well. wicking base layer and TWO midweight merino mid layers.


Even with three pairs of merino socks, my toes got numb. I concede to the fact that regular gym shoes don't hold up over a long distance in 10-19 degree weather.


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