What is/are your New Year's Resolutions involving biking?

Some of us make new year's resolutions while others of us should. Just curious who is aiming for something bike related this upcoming year. Triathlon in your future? Ride a certain amount of miles? Build a bike from scratch? Commute more on your bike?

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I'd like to do some more Bike camping trips.


Reddog said:

I'd like to do some more Bike camping trips.

This one's mine too. 62 miles, no problem. 100 miles, apparently a problem. I guess this means I have to figure out what training means...

Anthony Swantek said:

I WILL do a Century!

I plan to do the full Wisconsin Triple Crown endurance series this year, and also to continue bike commuting (starting again in the spring) even though I live 5 miles further out than I did last summer (13 miles each way instead of 8).

I'd also like to try a multiday bike camping trip, or if not, then at least something multiday & supported like the DALMAC.

Not sure if I want to do the Ride for AIDS Chicago for a 3rd year, but if not I'll at least pledge as much to riders as I pledged and earned in the 2011 ride... and substitute a long weekend to try out a different new route on a different ride.


3,500 miles, a couple multi-day trips, commute to work as much as possible, and make Elk Grove Village more bike friendly with the help of the Friends of Cycling in Elk Grove.

I will get an R-12 award which is ¨earned by riding a 200km (or longer) randonneuring event in each of 12 consecutive months.¨  ( http://www.rusa.org/award_r12.html )

Now that I made it public here I will be ashamed to quit :)

Comrade Cycles' resolution for 2012: open a shop and get some quality face time with Chicago's cycling community.

5 hour century & a grand fondo. Speaking of which, any grand fondo recommendations???

I want to participate in more cycle-centric community events.  Oh, and get my average speed up to 23mph on the trail!

 Build a cargo trailer, go bike camping, and avoid CTA as much as possible.


Ride my bike.

Sea to sky gran fuondo vancouver to whistler.  Did it this year, fantastic.  

Nathan Hoks said:

5 hour century & a grand fondo. Speaking of which, any grand fondo recommendations???


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