On my way home from work, pedaling north on Clark at Berteau I spotted a Red Fox! He (or she) trotted across Clark from Berteau and was, I'm assuming, about to head back into Graceland cemetery when I startled it by hollering "FOXY!" and it darted back across Clark, crossed to the north side of Berteau and peered 'round the corner of the building at me as I rode past.
If I read fox body language correctly it was saying "Gawd, what a dick. You scared the shit out of me." ;)

This was a full grown, healthy looking specimen. Looking well fed from foraging in the city. Neato.

This was around 12:45 - 1:00 am.

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That's cool! They look big enough to be more domesticated than wild. Wild grapes don't always taste very good. Perhaps they're like apples and pears in that you can't grow them from seed, but that they need to be spliced?

Took a midnight ride on the LFP tonight.  Lots of bunnies.  Then, just as I was thinking "where's the predators," I saw a nice coyote slinking around the sledding hill at Soldier Field.

The wiley predator!

Joe Studer said:

 I saw a nice coyote slinking around the sledding hill at Soldier Field.

I saw a coyote in Streeterville last year. This was in February, but he looked a lot better fed and healthier than the one I'd seen in Oak Park the year before.


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