You blew the red light east bound on Lawrence at Damen at 5:26 pm this evening.


There was enough time for the biker in front of me to make it half way into the intersection, northbound on Damen, before you came whizzing past my front wheel.


I yelled "You're an idiot!" at your big haired chick, self, and you looked back at me. I meant it!


I woulda testified for any of the cars, that managed to not kill you, if they had.


Keep riding like a tard!




Witness bad behavior during your commute? Feel free to post. Maybe that lovely human can read it and think they are famous. Maybe you can also inspire the whole generation of kids to shower but we can start with small things.

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I also want to post a late entry on a missed connection from earlier this year that still haunts me:


It was in August or September, and I was southbound on Wells around 7:00 am. I and another bicyclist had stopped for the red light at Chicago. It turned green and we both proceeded to cross the intersection. An enormous garbage truck was coming from the right, on Chicago, heading east, and it blew the red light, not just sneaking through at the last second, but entering the intersection a full 2-3 seconds after WE already had green. Luckily, both the other cyclist and I noticed he wasn't slowing down and we both stopped our bikes about 4 feet short of the path of the garbage truck. I screamed at the driver since he was only 4 feet from me, and saw the look of horror on his face as he realized what was happening/could have happened. I don't think he blew the red on purpose: who knows if the rising sun had blinded him, or he was spacing out momentarily, or what. However, it could have ended REALLY badly that morning for two cyclists.

I'm not sure what paper since he's almost always on the east side of Wells. I'll see if I can spot that but I'm not buying a paper from him even if it's the only way. :)  

Michelle Stenzel said:

The current guy is definitely not very friendly. I'm always ready to smile and exchange a "good morning" with "regulars" along my route, but I've given up on him. He does even seem a little hostile, so Rich S's story doesn't surprise me. Which paper does he sell? Perhaps you can mention it to the customer service people there, Rich, just to get it on the record.


There are 2 guys I've experienced at this intersection, a white guy and a black guy. Neither have been very nice. While driving the work truck with the window open one wonderful morning in summer one just walked up and placed the paper in the truck on the dashboard. WTF? The other I've thrown outta one of my security jobs for being high as a kite and drooling on himself. Unreal.

The Sun-Times

Rich S said:

I'm not sure what paper since he's almost always on the east side of Wells. I'll see if I can spot that but I'm not buying a paper from him even if it's the only way. :)  

Michelle Stenzel said:

The current guy is definitely not very friendly. I'm always ready to smile and exchange a "good morning" with "regulars" along my route, but I've given up on him. He does even seem a little hostile, so Rich S's story doesn't surprise me. Which paper does he sell? Perhaps you can mention it to the customer service people there, Rich, just to get it on the record.


Ha, I do this as well, pointing at the stop sign.  The wave-thru infuriates for the exact reason you describe. But, yes if I'm not infringing on someone's right of way, I roll the stoptional sign and wait at the light, until it's safe to go or it turns green, whichever happens first.  I have also noticed lately, however, that more cyclists are waiting with me at the light, and more drivers are taking their right of way, as they should.

Stephanie said:

@Melanie and @Gabe, I feel you on the annoyance of the "wave-through". If I am in an especially persnickety mood out there I will just stubbornly sit and refuse to go until whoever had the right of way proceeds. It's definitely about setting up expectations- we the cyclists ought to be expected to follow the law, and I think the "wave-through" just encourages or propagates that exceptionalism that bikes must not be 'real' vehicles.

I had an encounter with an actual "PSYCO" today!  According to his license plate, at least.

I was turning left on a green-turning-yellow, when this guy was turning right on red.  He didn't want to wait 1 and a half seconds for me to ride by and proceed to where I was fully out of his way on the right, so he rev'ed his cheesy, souped-up subaru (or something) and sped up right on my ass, startling me pretty good.  

Way to drive like an ass-hat, PSYCO.  Please go back to the state I didn't recognize on your license plate.  

Forgot about mine last week. Lady in an orange 2007 Chicago Marathon Jacket heading north on Damen at Byron. She rolled the stop sign when there was cross traffic that had the right of way. BUT THEN a hipster dude on a fixie followed by a Hipster chick on a more upright bike rolled it goin southbound without even looking. Hey folks, cars sometimes get the right of way too. I just stood at the intersection and let the cars clear so as not to end up a hood ornament.

I always stop at red lights for the duration of the light. I will also stop completely at stop signs unless there is no traffic.

To the young lady Southbound on Lincoln at Foster, about 9:50 P.M. Thursday.  

The festive holiday lights adorning your bike are terrific!  Thanks for making my commute.  

Dear guy in the crappity ass hatchback who cut me off to tell me that I should "learn how to ride a fucking bike:"

1. I had on a helmet, blinking lights and reflectors

2. I was riding three feet from the parked cars. Since it was a very narrow, short street with multiple stop signs, I didn't feel comfortable moving further over.

3. I stopped at the stop signs.

4. I signaled to turn left 2/3 of a block before my turn, held the signal and moved into the left lane.

5. You then revved your pathetic little engine and passed me (going southbound, like me) in the NORTHBOUND lane so I almost turned into you because surprise! I didn't expect a southbound car to be in that lane.

Yes, I called you an asshole. Because you were.

So I live on N Damen and was on N Lincoln at Southport. While at both locations my friend opens the door with plenty of warning. PLENTY. And now that i'm hurt it takes a bit to get outta the back seat and get crutches and such. Well bike folks, I love a lot of you. But if you buzz me while I'm on my crutches I'm gonna knock you the fuck down. And for the dude that gave me the dirty look- I'm on FUCKING CRUTCHES! Move over! You see the scene develop in front of you if you are a decent rider. Signal and take the lane. Cause if you hit me or me and the door...Good luck with breathing forever. ;-)

Oh yes, Gabe, just cause someone is on a bike does not mean they are qualified to possess the brain that they are not using.

Hope you're healing well and fast, spring Marauding is right around the corner.

Gabe said:

So I live on N Damen and was on N Lincoln at Southport. While at both locations my friend opens the door with plenty of warning. PLENTY. And now that i'm hurt it takes a bit to get outta the back seat and get crutches and such. Well bike folks, I love a lot of you. But if you buzz me while I'm on my crutches I'm gonna knock you the fuck down. And for the dude that gave me the dirty look- I'm on FUCKING CRUTCHES! Move over! You see the scene develop in front of you if you are a decent rider. Signal and take the lane. Cause if you hit me or me and the door...Good luck with breathing forever. ;-)


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