As you may know, is the webapp originally developed for the Chicago Naked Ride to publish the flyer and broadcast our location live.  Now in its fourth major version it's evolved massively over the years to comprehensively meet the needs of urban cyclists, and now also serves Chicago Critical Mass and other local rides.


Among its many amazing features, it now integrates over a dozen City of Chicago and other datasets.  You can now find the nearest bike shop or park or train stop or fun event in just a tap or two.


The AppsForMetroChicago contest is awarding some good $$$ for users of the datasets, and with your help could be a finalist.  Visit this link then click on VOTE near the top left corner:


Public voting closes soon, so do it now please.  No registration required.


And if you need more motivation to represent for cyclists, be aware that in the first round a few months ago parking space finder websites won the top two prizes.




If you haven't seen in a while, please visit.  The user interface is completely overhauled.


Here's an excerpt from the contest entry:

  • is Chicago's "Social Cycling System" - A major WebApp comprehensively meeting the needs of urban bicyclists.
  • works on any smartphone or PC and requires no installation.
  • features maps, directions, compass, ride recording, calorie counter, speedometer, weather and much more.
  • integrates city of Chicago, State of Illinois, and other datasets to quickly find bike shops, racks, train station, parks and more.
  • monitors Facebook, Twitter, RSS and many other feeds for current location-based info.
  • records, plot and save rides, and has years of public route archives.
  • lists popular group rides, each with news and discussion.
  • responds to text message queries such as weather and whereabouts.
  • broadcasts rides live. Users can post by photos, email, SMS, voice, GPS and social networks.
  • for group rides replaces printing and radios while adding powerful new capabilities. Open broadcast of location helps stragglers find their way, assists drivers and police with traffic control, connects production staff, lets fans enjoy from afar, and tells spectators where to be.
  • for personal rides offers directions, ride recording, calorie info, weather, radio, games and more.

Tap the big ? (help) or menu button on any page for more info.



Views: 338

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A few recent screenshots:


I'll vote for you if you vote for my app!

And Chicago Lobbyists. What's the transportation connection? I'm glad you asked!

Looks nice!  -Voted.

I don't have an iphone or anything but I still voted.  Yeah, I'm a pretty nice guy.  

Thanx everyone.  H, several of your sites are on its links list:


You got until 5pm to still vote!

Myself and twenty of the faithfully departed now residing at Rosehill have voted.  This is still Chicago after all...

Thanx everyone.  Many people've asked how many times can one vote?  Personally, I assumed "vote" would be commonly known to inherently mean only once, and so didn't even mention.  Their system seems worrisomely free of checks and balances.


According to the rules, voting is open until midnight tonight.

I'm not seeing a link to vote anywhere. Perhaps voting really did end at 5?

(I'm also not logged in, so perhaps that is the problem?)

h' said:

I don't see a link to vote on that page . . .?

Yup, the voting link has disappeared :(

Nothing to do now but hope :)

Check out the competitors:


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