Have you seen it?
My baby girl was was parked on the corner of Rockwell and Augusta, locked to the bike racks over night, Feb 14-Feb 15. Went to take it out for all of it's energies this morning and she was gone! Lock cut. Keep a look out please, she's not that pretty but is a warrior!

Giant Bowery...single speed

Distiguishing features:
A dent on the top tube frame...close to the handlebars.
A chainlink sticker!
A "R" sticker.
"Your car door kills me!" sticker.
Messenger shwag.
A blue hankie wrapped around the seat post.
(the dent is prob the only thing left!)

I type this through tears...

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THAT is EXTREMELY COOL that you guys/gals found it! Can't wait to read that you got it back and the other details that will no doubt go along with the story :) If only Lance and team Astana can get so lucky :)
Jen P said:
It is my bike.

no way! that's sorta awesome that someone found it online, but the story as a whole is obviously shitty at the same time. i'm interested in your followup as well! i can relate because my bike was stolen in the middle of a weekday outside my office at michigan and ontario last summer. bike thieves need to die.
I saved the page to my laptop in case the thief takes the page offline. Let me know if you need it ever.

I imagine you're taking care of it (with great justice!) but just in case. :) Good luck!
I can drive you there to get it. I suggest emailing/calling them to arrange a time to see it. Then call me (I'm not closely following this thread) and I'll drive you down there. You either ride it home or throw it in the back of my car. Here's my cell: (630) 697-0810
I think a group of us should go see it and get the bike and call the cops. I so pissed to hear about this.
I agree. No one knows if this guy is the thief or if he bought it from someone else.

cutifly said:
I think a group of us should go see it and get the bike and call the cops. I so pissed to hear about this.
Definitely, who knows what the situation is, but if someone bought it only to sell it literally in a day or two, they probably knew it was stolen and tried to mark it up a bit for profit. I think going with a group is a good idea, give a shout if you need "tactical support"...

Tank-Ridin' Ryan said:
I agree. No one knows if this guy is the thief or if he bought it from someone else.

cutifly said:
I think a group of us should go see it and get the bike and call the cops. I so pissed to hear about this.

Vando said:
Definitely, who knows what the situation is, but if someone bought it only to sell it literally in a day or two, they probably knew it was stolen and tried to mark it up a bit for profit. I think going with a group is a good idea, give a shout if you need "tactical support"...

Tank-Ridin' Ryan said:
I agree. No one knows if this guy is the thief or if he bought it from someone else.

cutifly said:
I think a group of us should go see it and get the bike and call the cops. I so pissed to hear about this.
So, I just texted to see if the bike was still there and it wasn't. I'm pretty close to going to the police station, and giving them the guy's number so they can bust him/her for theft. Most likely they are the one's who stole it, unless they are splitting the profit with the actual thieves. I'm saving the ad into a word file as we speak. I'm hoping I can get someone fined or even try and get the bike back, that is, if Jen hasn't gotten it!

Just a thought - I agree with the sentiment, but it might be better in the eyes of the police of Jen goes to them. It might work out better if it's "I have the number of a guy who stole my bike then sold it." instead of "I have the number of a guy who stole my friend's bike then sold it."

Danielle said:
So, I just texted to see if the bike was still there and it wasn't. I'm pretty close to going to the police station, and giving them the guy's number so they can bust him/her for theft. Most likely they are the one's who stole it, unless they are splitting the profit with the actual thieves. I'm saving the ad into a word file as we speak. I'm hoping I can get someone fined or even try and get the bike back, that is, if Jen hasn't gotten it!
yeah, I'm just pissed. I think she should do it to. I'm hoping the police will go as far to contact the person he sold it to and get it back for her.

I'm also just sick of others profiting off of the loss of someone else. Times are hard enough without some dirty thieves making things worse. We got robbed fairly often where I'm from and I have absolutely no tolerance for thievery.


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