anyone out there heard anything about this ride or planning on attending?

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hellllooo fluffer nutter!
$1 PBR and Porn. See you there.
PORN!!! porn and bikes, bike porn??? PBR...Porn Bike Ride! Sorry im a dork...
You bust a nut on a fluffer. ;-) (That's awful who said? I dunno but it's funny. Yeah it is. We should go.)
PBR! Peanut ButteR, Porn Bike Ride...and what about Nutella. Props to Safe T!!!
I just had a PB and J for lunch. Yummy!

DavID said:
PBR! Peanut ButteR, Porn Bike Ride...and what about Nutella. Props to Safe T!!!
I have had one- they are mmmmm

leftovers said:
hellllooo fluffer nutter!
Can Saturday get here already!! I'm gonna prematurely Nutter...(Who keeps talking? I dunno they are disgusting. I Agree. Say goodnight Gracie.)
Everybody keep their nutters in their pants untill
sat. Then they can run free.
Well, if it's going to be that kind of party....where's the mashed potatoes?
I never really used to want to associate myself with the word 'porn' but now I am over 40 and feeling creepy as ever. So I say 'pedel my ears' until my ugly domestic partner comes home ! Why are they calling this a porn ride ? I don't get half the stuff that goes on in this scene and I only associate that word with penetration. Fill me in ?
There has been a change in my schedule, and it looks like I will be able to attend this after all.


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