

New to this forum; I haven't previously been really active in the "cycling community" but the awesome help and support I've gotten from bike shops yesterday is really making me regret that! I have (had :( ) an awesome Schwinn Cruiser that was a birthday gift and my only mode of transportation for the last 5.5 years. Used it around town for errands, groceries, going to the movies, etc (I'm lucky enough to be able to walk to work). I love(d) this bike SO MUCH and it's killing me that it's gone.


The details:


2005 reproduction of 1955 Schwinn, Deluxe 7 cruiser, Green & White. 2 silvertone (aluminum?) cargo baskets "permanently" (frame very slightly altered) bolted over rear wheel instead of standard black cargo rack. Edges of baskets wrapped with black 3m reflective tape, right basket deformed where I got doored years ago. Red enamel ladybug bell, green lightweight snake lock on frame for decorative purposes only - was locked with heavy U-lock & cable/chain.


Stolen from 2000 block of W. Cornelia (near Addison & Damen) sometime the afternoon/evening of Sat 11/19. Was locked up right outside my apartment window instead of being in the basement because it's super heavy (all steel frame) and unwieldy to get it in/out, and I knew I would be 10 feet away at all times. Didn't help; I didn't hear them take it. In retrospect the dog was suspicious of something going on outside, but there's construction in the neighborhood so I assumed that's what was bothering her.


The gift-giver gave me the original purchase receipt, still trying to dig through old paperwork to find the serial number. Filed a police report immediately - HT 596880. Put it on Craigslist, have been searching Craigslist, a friend & I took an iGo car yesterday and gave posters to all the bike shops. One of them suggested we go to Ashland Swap-O-Rama, which we did, but got there just in time for closing. The guard let me in to look around and there was only one guy with 3 or 4 bikes left, I gave him a poster and told him I'd pay a huge reward if he saw anyone else there selling my bike; hopefully that doesn't backfire on me.


I will try to get there again next weekend, but it might not be easy for me to find an iGo or a friend to take me on the holiday weekend. I'm afraid the bike is prime "give this to someone for Christmas" material. Any tips on when is the best time to try go to the swap?


Going to work, will answer back when I can, thanks in advance for any help.


(If you see the bike, pls feel free to call or text 773-787-5371 - it's very distinctive!)

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PS - also I had immediately upcoming plans to ride it again for groceries and THEN put it away; I wasn't planning on leaving it out forever! I am absolutely kicking myself that I didn't just take the extra time and effort to haul it through the door and down the stairs into the basement and then haul it back out later, but I can't go back in time and undo that now. Please don't be mean about that; I feel horrible already! Sorry, just wanted to get that out there. sigh.

Ill keep an eye out!

So sorry to hear this. 

And please don't be mean to yourself about this.  You had it locked and damn it, somebody stole your bike!

Chris, I'm sorry to hear about your bike and I hope you get it back. Hopefully someone has mentioned Chicago's Stolen Bike Registry to you already. I don't see your bike on it yet, but perhaps you've submitted the information and it has yet to be posted. I do notice that there were two other green cruiser bikes stolen in Lake View in the last three weeks! I'll keep my eyes peeled and again, good luck.



No entry has been submitted to the Chicago Stolen Bike Registry as of 9:50 am.

Michelle Stenzel said:

Chris, I'm sorry to hear about your bike and I hope you get it back. Hopefully someone has mentioned Chicago's Stolen Bike Registry to you already. I don't see your bike on it yet, but perhaps you've submitted the information and it has yet to be posted. I do notice that there were two other green cruiser bikes stolen in Lake View in the last three weeks! I'll keep my eyes peeled and again, good luck.



Thanks for suggestions, everyone.

I submitted to stolenbicycleregistry.com and didn't realize there was a separate Chicago-only registry. I'm submitting that now. (Have been working and trying to deal with holiday stuff AND broken glasses (!!!) in addition to the bike; "when it rains it pours", etc...)


I know it's a super long shot that I ever see the bike again, at the swap or elsewhere, but I feel like I have to at least try since a lot of people have found their bikes there. I've also been looking on ebay, craigslist, have friends on the west side checking shops near them, etc...


I've seen a few notices around of other unusual/awesome bikes stolen from the same neighborhood (just a few blocks away) over the same weekend. I guess if you live in this little corner where North Center/Roscoe Village/Lakeview all come together, be even more careful than you already were... :-\


Thanks again.



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