Been thinking about it for a while now but I must admit a few things that concern me.


  1. I'm out of shape despite that fact that I do ride pavement and some off road.
  2. I'm out of shape despite the fact that I do take hikes up to 5 miles or so.
  3. If you cant tell by now my cardio sucks.
  4. I don't have a cross bike, although you really don't need one.
  5. I just might be the only fat guy on the course as from what I can tell most of the racers are in pretty damn good shape.
  6. It seems very intimidating.


Any advice?


I might take a ride to the race tomorrow to check it out.



Joe T.

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4B's. That is all. 

Just ride. Get muddy. Have a blast. No pressure.

There are tons of out of shape folks who race just for the fun of it.

Go for it! the 4B group is designated for beginners. If you go to the race, you'll see that chicago's CX races are especially welcoming - and everyone loves the 4B race

Oh - and there's also a number of practices that take place throughout the city. Check the Bonebell's website or facebook page to find out when and where the practices take place.

Thanks for the reply's and advice, going to go for it!

Even as a newcomer with ZERO experience, it's loads of fun.  Although it's competitive, it's a very friendly atmosphere and people are very helpful.


I plan on doing at least one race this season, sporting my chainlink jersey!


Here is a picture taken by Luke Seeman.  See, I'm smiling!




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