Interesting Post on WBEZ Blogs about the Thought You Knew Calendar.

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Wow, I would say to describe this calendar as narcissistic, much less gratuitously so, is quite a mischaracterization.  To doll up and have pictures taken of oneself for a calendar does not indicate some sort of inflated sense of self importance (although to have your picture on every month might...I'm looking at you, Ed).  

Also, I would say the difference between this and a hooters calendar (or something equitable) is vast.  Every image of a woman, whether they be bare-breasted or cleavagey (its a word, now!) represents or affects our society in different ways.  Some merely depict decoration in a world that already exists, some create a world specifically for the subject of the image, some are not meant to be the subject of the image at all but the object of another's gaze...yada, yada, yada.  They do not all say the same thing.  Although, your opinion on the calendar is yours and, therefore, valid.

As far as being tired of hearing that biking is male-dominated.  Well, I'm tired of experiencing it and have been for some time.  Luckily, that has really changed in the last few years.  But, let's not pretend that the overwhelming number of bike mechanics aren't men or that when I go drool over images of surlys its not almost always guys on them or that the Dead Babies (or insert other bike club here) are not primarily men.  It's not as if there is malice or as if these men aren't fantastic.  It's just reality and appears to be changing.

Brendan said:

I wanted to stay away from this thread for a lot of reasons, but it keeps popping up and this is bugging me.  I'd like to know where the line is drawn on when empowering women becomes an excuse for gratuitous narcissism?  It is infinitely more sexy when I see the opposite of the picture Juan posted, and to be honest, most of what I've seen of the calendar.  Sure, I love seeing a girl dressed sexily as much as any guy, maybe, and it's great to raise money for a great cause.  But have we run out of ideas to the point that the only way to raise money for anything these days is to dress up some women sexily and put em in a calendar?  How is this calendar not one flat tire (sorry) away from becoming a Hooters calendar or something?  I think Juan, and definitely myself, respond more to the type of girl that doesn't have to go to such great lengths to feel sexy.  What I'm trying to say (but I'm not articulate enough to) is, how is donning sheer black tights and a whip, and showing cleavage empowering women?  Is there proof that it does this?  I guess you could say, "Hey wait, this money is going to a good cause.  Have some respect."  But as it looks to me, that money is no longer going to a good cause.  Seems like the message and the spirit of this endeavor has been muddied by bad communication, and some women from the calendar have every right to be upset about this, in my opinion.        


P.S.  I'm sick of hearing about how male-dominated the world of cycling is!  Anyone can get on a damn bike and ride the thing.  This isn't football, and that's whats so great about it.  I for one have never viewed women on bikes as anything out of the ordinary, nor have I ever thought that men are more suited for cycling than women.  If you're a woman and you're feeling insecure about entering a bike shop, why?  What's the big deal?  And if you're a man who works at a shop and treats women cyclists any different from males, shame on you ya bastard.      


Hey,  its Iggi I am worried about....he made the 12 month calendar.


"To doll up and have pictures taken of oneself for a calendar does not indicate some sort of inflated sense of self importance (although to have your picture on every month might...I'm looking at you, Ed). " 


Ed said:


Hey,  its Iggi I am worried about....he made the 12 month calendar.


"To doll up and have pictures taken of oneself for a calendar does not indicate some sort of inflated sense of self importance (although to have your picture on every month might...I'm looking at you, Ed). " 

was Kevins idea!

Kellie said:


Ed said:


Hey,  its Iggi I am worried about....he made the 12 month calendar.


"To doll up and have pictures taken of oneself for a calendar does not indicate some sort of inflated sense of self importance (although to have your picture on every month might...I'm looking at you, Ed). " 

I saw a niche marketing opportunity!

iggi said:

was Kevins idea!

Kellie said:


Ed said:


Hey,  its Iggi I am worried about....he made the 12 month calendar.


"To doll up and have pictures taken of oneself for a calendar does not indicate some sort of inflated sense of self importance (although to have your picture on every month might...I'm looking at you, Ed). " 


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