I was responding to another post on here about the 'found' bike and I went over to the Stolen Bike Registry... and the first post was about one of my teammates' bikes being stolen... with the theft "IN PROGRESS"??? The post was made 45 minutes before I saw it... what are the odds? AND, who posts about a bike theft in progress? Go yell, scream, blow bubbles or hit the guy with a dump truck, but get off your iPhone and DO something about it. So crazy!?!? There are other strange details - the poster knew the type of bike (cross) and the name on the downtube - Burnham Racing. He was either close to the theft or had seen the bike several times. Let's hope the latter. He also said the perp was driving a USPS mail truck!
Anyway, there are only two of those bikes in the city. If you see this one, contact me!

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That sucks that your teammate's ride got jacked. Had that almost happen to me riding on Tuesday. Punk kid followed me and my ride into the restroom were I was at, he tried to jack me but I regulated on him with my bike chain. Hit the turd 3 times, he took off since I was yelling at him that I was going to leave a mudhole in his back! Hope your teamate gets his ride back, guess you can not trust federal employees either.
That really sucks. The person said that they alerted security but it seems odd that they didn't make some noise or call the police. Still, as sad it is, it's probably better than the people that would ignore it and go on their way since it's not their concern.
Thanks Travesty - I alerted my friend to your post. He commutes daily and I doubt it was 'parked illegally, but we'll see. I agree though... whenever I get shafted this big, I look to the city first.
In response to your side note Travesty, I do recall some news reports a few years back out of Iraq of suicide bombers using bikes to blow up our troops.
Also one of my former Army buddies who is still on active duty told me of bikes being used as cover for IED's...
Looks like it was the scarecrow...


h3 said:
Already some jerk giving the person who posted the report grief . . .
I have no idea what to make of the report or situation.
Would appreciate any missing details . . .
The report says the bike was locked to a bike rack. How could there be an ordinance against locking your bike to a bike rack?

travesty said:
I think I have the answer. You are not supposed to park/lock up your bike anywhere NEAR ogilve train station entrance, nor central station entrance. I did so at central once and got a stern talking to from a cop on duty there that he had already called the handy man to remove the bike.

H3, you are right when it comes to people trying to steel my bike. It was late at night and I had to drop ass. Could have crapped outside but that gets you in trouble with the cops. At 4:00 a.m. found a gas station open went in, about to do my business in the john, kid grabbed my ride. I yelled at him, he did not listen, I was force to hit him with my Kryponite New York Chain. My bum gets me in more situations, hope this does not happen to you H3. You are either very lucky or never have to sh*t when you ride.
h3 said:
Jim "Niterider" said:
That sucks that your teammate's ride got jacked. Had that almost happen to me riding on Tuesday. Punk kid followed me and my ride into the restroom were I was at, he tried to jack me but I regulated on him with my bike chain. Hit the turd 3 times, he took off since I was yelling at him that I was going to leave a mudhole in his back! Hope your teamate gets his ride back, guess you can not trust federal employees either.

You seem to have bad luck with other humans. Have you considered just avoiding them entirely?


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