My family says I am little hard headed...OK, very hard headed.  I am looking forward to my first Bike Winter this year, and am happy with my set up for rain, but what about this wind in the forecast for Wednesday afternoon and through Thursday?  Do you ride in it? 

Last week, when we had a bit of wind, I did have to watch that I wasn't blown sideways in to cars....I think it was Saturday that it almost happened.  That scares me.  Now the work out you get riding in to the wind is awesome and this old lady loves to play and let the wind bring her to a stop.  And with a tailwind I feel 12 years old! 

Any opinions?



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I ride through the wind and consider it just part of biking full-time. It can be a challenge and a good workout. I have to admit that at times and on certain days such as you mention, I wonder why I am killing myself cycling against the wind, but as I still am passing by cars stuck in traffic, I realize that it really isn't all that bad after all. Also, if you are lucky, you may just catch a tailwind and realize that wind really isn't all that horrible.

This is a tough couple of days to commute coming up, but I find taking the train far more depressing so I will make my usual commute by bike.


I would advise reading the advisory before embarking, however...sounds like a lot of rain coming our way!

I'll admit, I stay off the roads with high wind. I don't mind rain and cold, but wind just makes me too uncomfortable to feel like I'm safe. It's all about what works for you, though!
The wind doesn't, but the rain does. After getting soaked more times in the last 3 weeks or so than in the rest of 2011, I'm taking a few days off. Metra was dry and warm this morning (albeit late).

learning how to ride more aerodymacially helps a lot :  ride with your elbows low; forearms parallel to the handlebars (having cowhorn style bars helps a lot); knees hugging the top tube; crouch down a bit to reduce upper body windresistance and head down a bit too.

I would imagine panniers create a good amount of windresistence too...on really windy days my bag goes on my back instead of in the milk crate.



Is it just me, or have weather forecasts become more sensational? And it seems like one of those media follow the leader things that when a known sensationalist news sources (like FOX) starts everybody else jumps on the band wagon. Look out for upcoming weather forecasts such as "Partly sunny, the silent killer! Tune in at 9pm for the full story and stay tuned for the latest updates..."


The term "wind driven rain", announced several times testerday on WBBM, keeps ringing in my head.

The days I commute in this weather is when I'm getting my money's worth...anyone can ride on a sunny day.

The wind this morning wasn't too bad- the only area that seemed to be a pain was the corner that turns from Lincoln to Wells- I hit a gust on that corner that literally felt like I was moving backward, but after that it was smooth sailing.  The rain is what bothered me the most today, just because I miss the sunshine we had not so long ago.
I rode in this morning.  Not the most fun I've had on a bike, but still better than driving or taking the L.
Wind/rain/snow won't stop me, can't stop me!  Especially since it's involved in my job now.  But anyway....Wear glasses or goggles.  Last week I was pelted in the eye by something heavy, did some damage.  Had a big scratch across my eye, and it was also inflamed from the injury.  Healing up well now, but more importantly, I learned my lesson.
It's not just you -- it seems that all the weather "forecasters" have become weather "Cassandras."

Bikefreeek said:

Is it just me, or have weather forecasts become more sensational? And it seems like one of those media follow the leader things that when a known sensationalist news sources (like FOX) starts everybody else jumps on the band wagon. Look out for upcoming weather forecasts such as "Partly sunny, the silent killer! Tune in at 9pm for the full story and stay tuned for the latest updates..."

Sounds like fun! j/k!


The cold mixed with the rain and wind does make it a bit uncomfortable, but I do plan on riding back home tonight after work, but I plan on avoiding the LFP at all costs.


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