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OYB is awesome and has been very inspirational to me. I probably wouldn't have take up xc skiing if not for Jeff Potter's (of OYB) frequent winter posts on the subject on the IBOB list.


They have a bunch of old OYB zines and such at Boulevarde Bikes; I tried to buy them but they were not for sale.

I was on the island and in the Upper Peninsula over the weekend with my bike. I have been to the island 13 or more times and inevitably we will rent or bring bikes for a spin around the island. Flat and beautiful ride around or some big ills to get over... something for everyone. 

I have not been there since riding around the island on a tandem behind my mom as a kid! My grandparents lived in Naubinway down the coast ("the northernmost point of lake michigan") and considered St. Ignace to be "the big city"


I was too young then to appreciate the lack of cars. All I could think was when am I getting fudge?

Tim, next time your up that way check out Cross Village and Legs Inn. It has all the beauty with no tourists (fudgies)....Oh, and Bob Seger hangs there, he really gets into helping young musicians from the area.

And yes Chris, after spending summers there and coming back to Chicago, I was amazed how strong vehicle exhaust smelled downtown.

Ah the Legs Inn, been there a time or two. Just up the road from Harbor.
Have you checked out the nun cemetery across the street from Legs?....The mausoleum for the head honcho priest was quite the trip eh, I can't find info on that deal anywhere.


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