I've received word from Jepson's mother that his ghost bike (Diversey and Avers) has been removed.

Who's interested in working on a replacement?


Edit-- further communication-- Saturday Oct 8th would have been his b-day so it would be important to his mother to have one up by then if possible. My own availability until after that weekend is very limited.

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And obviously, thanks to Duppie. 

Duppie said:

New bike was placed, thanks to Kevin C., Ace Mann, and Alex.


Just caught this thread, happy to help.  Tell me where and when and I'm there.


We placed the bike there last night.If you want you could go & get some flowers,candles or some cooking stuff to put on the bike,like the original picture.Thanks for the offer.

David606xx said:

Just caught this thread, happy to help.  Tell me where and when and I'm there.


Thanks again to Duppie,Kevin C,Alex and Westtown bikes for donating the bike for Jepson.Here was a video from last year Ride of Silence.Jespon Livingston father was at the ride. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a4ZvQZ3xMnU

Great job ! 

Especially since the family seems to appreciate it.

That is a GREAT story.  Thanx guys!


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