Lakefront Path at Oak Street curve (just South of Oak Street Beach) has waves pushing up to the wall (as in, no getting around it).  Be careful.  I had water pushing up to the bottom of my frame for much of the curve.

At the time, it was still rideable.  If you decide to go that route, be patient.  My advice is to avoid and go to streets at Oak Street.

Also, just South of Fullerton, have to take the high path and was very crowded with runners and bikers and there was even standing water on the high path.


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I got knocked off my bike by a wave at the curve once.  Do never test.
Sitting here earlier drinking coffee and saw the waves in the back ground of the traffic report. I was like... "I don't care about the traffic, get the graphic off the screen so I can see those waves on the LFP".
If anybody happens to take some pictures..would love to see..
Fox has a live feed on their morning news.  You can almost hear them betting under the table who gets knocked over.  Just now, a guy almost got sucked into the lake... they all gasped... they don't find it funny anymore.
I would have taken pictures, but I got completely soaked and my droid is now dead.  Kicking myself but at least I'm in one piece.  Bummer.
We live dangerously in so many waves (I mean ways...).  Hope the Droid dries out and starts working again...

hey, someone beat me to it - it wasn't all that bad as I was approaching that curve, but I had the misfortune of getting literally picked up and turned upside-down by the water after it crashed into the LSD wall.  Easily a foot deep, it almost completely rose above my front wheel. I actually would have been just fine and made it were it not for the bloody joggers all clustering there making it impossible to just go straight through.  As soon as I had to alter my path to avoid the ones busy dancing around worrying about their feet getting wet I lost my momentum.


And no, it's not funny at all, I literally was submerged 100% under water - mark my words, the City/Park District is going to get sued into the 4th dimension if they don't take that problem seriously and get the Army Corp of Engineers on it. 



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Holy smokes. I was thinking of riding LFP this morning to take advantage of the NW winds. I'm glad I decided against that....

Moc Artsy said: posted this photo from the NBC video referenced by Moc Artsy above.  But if a picture tells a thousand words, I can't even begin to count the words that the video tells.  Reminds me of trying to tackle this section after the first winter freezes.


High waves over taking #LakeShoreDrive in #Chicago! @NBCChicago's chopper captured this biker getting knocked over:

I hope no one got seriously injured; but the video was a bit entertaining.


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