First person to correctly name the location of this bike rack(s) will receive a Chainlink t-shirt (and anything else anyone would like to donate).


Past rack locations: 

Bike Rack #1

Bike Rack #2

Bike Rack #3


Views: 487

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Replies to This Discussion

Is that outside google's office on kinzie, between state and Wabash? Behind a locking gate?
Ding ding ding, we have another winner! Are you in town or stilltouring the us? If you aren't in town you can regift your award.

BalloonBiker said:
Is that outside google's office on kinzie, between state and Wabash? Behind a locking gate?
I almost fell off my bed laughing at your response!

ThreeHonkThursday said:
Yeah, still traveling. How do I regift my reward?

Julie Hochstadter said:
Ding ding ding, we have another winner! Are you in town or stilltouring the us? If you aren't in town you can regift your award.

BalloonBiker said:
Is that outside google's office on kinzie, between state and Wabash? Behind a locking gate?
Choose someone.
I totally caught this thread to late. I knew it as soon as I seen it. It's right down the street from me.


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