100 free tickets to giveaway for bike riders attending Okctoberfest - St. Alphonsus

Park your bike with our complimentary valet and go across the street to enjoy Oktoberfest! As a bonus we have free tickets for Oktoberfest to hand out to bike riders using the valet parking. (first come, first serve)


Along with a bike babysitter, you and your bike can jump in the photobooth pictures with photographer, Melissa O'Neal (of course that is more fun after Oktoberfest!)


There will be Stumptown coffee beans and Bowery Lane Bicycles t-shirts for sale and we will also have a West Town Bikes specialists on hand to provide tune-ups. (all things you will find in our upcoming cafe!)



How does it work?


It works like a coat check, you bring your bike between these hours (Friday 23rd 5pm-11pm, Sat. 24th 11am-11pm, Sun 25th 11am-7pm) and we will give you a valet ticket. Hang onto that ticket to pick up your bike.

*note for those of you who have too much fun at Oktoberfest: any bikes left 20 min past closing will be stored in the Heritage shop until it is picked up.


How do you find us?


You will find us across from St. Alphonsus Church. Just look for a big Heritage Bicycle banner, signs pointing you in the right direction and the super friendly people waiting to serve you!



2959 N. Lincoln Ave

Chicago, IL 60657


**Special Thanks to the McManigal Family for donating the parking lot.

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So, a question. How much are the tickets normally, in case I'm late?


Edit: Nevermind, I see now.

What is Heritage Chicago?
Anyone know about Heritage? Is it a coffeeshop, bike shop, framebuilder?

Hi Kevin,


We are, essentially, all 3. We will be brewing Stumptown at our cafe, we will have a full service bike shop, and we have our own frame builder here in Chicago making our own bikes. If you have anymore questions feel free to shoot us an email.





This is very very considerate of you!


*note for those of you who have too much fun at Oktoberfest: any bikes left 20 min past closing will be stored in the Heritage shop until it is picked up.



That'll be cool. The Bowery Lane Bikes look good. Have you all started building frames yet?
Yep! Our first run of bikes came off the line a couple weeks ago. They look really good and we are excited to get them going. Here is the prototype.

Michael, Can I testride one of those beauties tomorrow?


I ride by your shop window daily, and Daisy has been beckoning me for a while now.


Micheal do you still got tickets left?

Thanks for everyone who came out.


Here are some pics of the event


and a quick video

Shoot, just got this...We are still tweaking it. Lets set up a time soon though.

Duppie said:

Michael, Can I testride one of those beauties tomorrow?


I ride by your shop window daily, and Daisy has been beckoning me for a while now.



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